登藤 直弥 / Todo, Naoya

人間系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE



論文 / Publication

  1. Cross‐sectional survey of the replacement of the Japanese term for dementia: Did it reduce discomfort in family members? Katsuo Yamanaka, Naoya Todo, Mutsumi Yoshizawa, Tatsuji Uchida (2020)
  2. アフターコロナ時代のテスト : ベイズ統計学を利用した項目反応理論に基づくコンピュータ適応型テスト 登藤 直弥 社会と調査 (25) 14 - 21 (2020)
  3. Did the COVID-19 Pandemic Have Immediate Impacts on Japanese Children? Evidence of the Socio-Emotional Behavior and Digital Skills Yusuke Moriguchi, Chifumi Sakata, Xianwei Meng, Naoya Todo Research Square (2020)
  4. Immediate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the socio-emotional and digital skills of Japanese children Yusuke Moriguchi, Chifumi Sakata, Xianwei Meng, Naoya Todo (2020)
  5. Prosocial behavior is related to later executive function during early childhood: A longitudinal study Yusuke Moriguchi, Ikuko Shinohara, Naoya Todo, Xianwei Meng 17 (3) 352 - 364 (2020)
  6. Modeling reciprocal effects in medical research: Critical discussion on the current practices and potential alternative models Satoshi Usami, Naoya Todo, Kou Murayama 14 (9) e0209133 - e0209133 (2019)
  7. 項目反応理論(IRT)の考え方と実践――測定の質の高いテストや尺度を作成するための技術―― 宇佐美 慧, 荘島 宏二郎, 光永 悠彦, 登藤 直弥 教育心理学年報 58 321 - 329 (2019)
  8. 『教育心理学研究』における測定・評価・研究法の現状と今後に向けての提言 登藤 直弥 教育心理学年報 58 119 - 130 (2019)
  9. 学齢期の発達障害特性把握のための「行動と学習に関する基礎調査票-S」の作成と信頼性・妥当性の検証 黒澤礼子, 登藤直弥 筑波大学心理学研究 57 11 - 20 (2019)
  10. Changes in genetic and environmental influences on cognitive ability, executive function, and preacademic skills in Japanese preschool age twins. Keiko K. Fujisawa, Naoya Todo, Juko Ando 55 (1) 38 - 52 (2019)

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