康 承源 / Kang, Seung Won
生命環境系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences
論文 / Publication
- Developmental Control of Horticultural Plants Using Strigolactone to Improve Marketability Kang,Seung Won 筑波大学農林技術研究 = Tsukuba journal of agriculture and forestry (5) 1 - 8 (2017)
- Molecular Cloning of cDNA Encoding a Putative Eugenol Synthase in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Micro-Tom') and Prediction of 3D Structure and Physiochemical Properties Kang,Seung Won Journal of Agriculture & Life Science 46 (4) 9 - 20 (2012)
- Identification of Introduced Gene and Its Expression and Gene Stability Assessment for Event Selection of Genetically Modified Plant toward Approval: Cucumber Mosaic Virus Resistant Hot Pepper Seung Won Kang, Bal-Kum Han, Tae-Ho Lee, Eun-Ji Kim, Gung Pyo Lee 30 (2) 192 - 200 (2012)
- Changes in Leaf Variegation and Coloration of English Ivy and Polka Dot Plant under Various Indoor Light Intensities Jongyun Kim, Seung Won Kang, Chun Ho Pak, Mi Seon Kim 22 (1) 49 - 55 (2012)
- SlICE1 encoding a MYC-type transcription factor controls cold tolerance in tomato, Solanum lycopersicum Kenji Miura, Hayato Shiba, Masaru Ohta, Seung Won Kang, Ayaka Sato, Takashi Yuasa, Mari Iwaya-Inoue, Hiroshi Kamada, Hiroshi Ezura 29 (3) 253 - 260 (2012)
- Accumulation of antioxidants and antioxidant activity in tomato, Solanum lycopersicum, are enhanced by the transcription factor SlICE1 Kenji Miura, Ayaka Sato, Hayato Shiba, Seung Won Kang, Hiroshi Kamada, Hiroshi Ezura 29 (3) 261 - 269 (2012)
- Changes in Physico-chemical Properties of Moss Peat Based Root Media and Growth of Potted Chrysanthemums as Influenced by Blending Ratios of Root Media in a C-channel Mat Irrigation System Seung Won Kang, Jong Won Hong, Gung Pyo Lee, Sang Gyu Seo, Chun Ho Pak 29 (3) 201 - 210 (2011)
- Influences of Psychological Effect and Importance Perception from the Visual Image of the Indoor Plants upon the Repurchasing Intention Kang,Seung Won Journal of Korean Society for People, Plants and Environment 14 (2) 123 - 131 (2011)
- Rapid and Unequivocal Identification Method for Event-specific Detection of Transgene Zygosity in Genetically Modified Chili Pepper Seung Won Kang, Chul-Hee Lee, Sang-Gyu Seo, Bal-Kum Han, Hyung-Seok Choi, Sun Hyung Kim, Chee Hark Harn, Gung Pyo Lee 29 (2) 123 - 129 (2011)
- Alteration of floral organ identity by over-expression of IbMADS3-1 in tobacco Kang,Seung Won TRANSGENIC RESEARCH (2011)
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