佐藤 秀典 / Sato, Hidenori

ビジネスサイエンス系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Business Sciences

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

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論文 / Publication

  1. The birth of Japanese whisky MITOMI, Yuki, SUH, Youngkyo, SATO, Hidenori Annals of Business Administrative Science 19 (1) 1 - 11 (2020)
  2. Looking for a blue bird: Founding and business building process of a Japanese venture firm 稲水 伸行, 生稲, 史彦, 佐藤秀典 The EGOS and Organization Studies Workshop (2019)
  3. Organizational change in the ‘abandoned’ workplace: The case of the Japanese call centre Sato, Hidenori, Oki, Kiyohiro The EGOS and Organization Studies Workshop (2019)
  4. Using grounded theory approach in management research Sato, Hidenori Annals of Business Administrative Science 18 (2) 65 - 74 (2019)
  5. 経営学のテキストで語られることと論文で語られること 佐藤,秀典 赤門マネジメント・レビュー 18 (3) 69 - 72 (2019)
  6. Resource-based venturing:The case of Venture Whisky Suh,Youngkyo, Mitomi,Yuki, Sato,Hidenori Annals of Business Administrative Science 18 (5) 171 - 181 (2019)
  7. Are call centers sweatshops? SATO Hidenori Annals of Business Administrative Science 17 (5) 193 - 202 (2018)
  8. 日本企業の戦略的一貫性 佐藤, 秀典 組織学会大会論文集 7 (2) 392 - 397 (2018)
  9. Five steps in sales and its skills: The importance of preparing before an interview with customers Inamizu Nobuyuki, Sato Hidenori, Ikuine Fumihiko Annals of Business Administrative Science (2017)
  10. 制度環境変化への適応プロセス ―適切な差異をもたらす組織アイデンティティの欠如による過剰適応― 佐藤 秀典 東京大学 (2017)

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