丹下 基生 / Tange, Motoo
数理物質系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences
論文 / Publication
- Smoothly non-isotopic Lagrangian disk fillings of Legendrian knots Li, Youlin, Tange, Motoo Geometriae Dedicata (2020)
- The third term in lens surgery polynomials Tange,Motoo arXiv:2005.09004 (2020)
- On the Alexander polynomial of lens space knots Tange,Motoo Topology and its Applications 275 (2020)
- Homology spheres with E8-fillings and arbitrarily large correction terms Tange,Motoo arXiv:1811.11831 (2018)
- Homology spheres yielding lens spaces 丹下,基生 Proceedings of Gokova Geometry and Topology Conference 2017 (2018)
- Heegaard Floer homology of Matsumoto's manifolds Motoo Tange 320 475 - 499 (2017)
- Four-dimensional manifolds constructed by lens space surgeries of distinct types Motoo Tange, Yuichi Yamada 26 (11) (2017)
- Boundary-sum irreducible finite order corks Tange,Motoo arXiv:1710.07034 (2017)
- Finite order corks Motoo Tange 28 (6) (2017)
- Upsilon invariants of L-space cable knots Tange,Motoo arXiv:1703.08828 (2017)
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