筧 知之 / Kakehi, Tomoyuki

数理物質系 教授 / Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences


論文 / Publication

  1. Surjectivity of mean value operators on noncompact symmetric spaces Jens Christensen, Fulton Gonzalez, Tomoyuki Kakehi 272 (9) 3610 - 3646 (2017)
  2. Blowup and global existence of a solution to a semilinear reaction-diffusion system with the fractional Laplacian Kakehi, Tomoyuki, Ohshita, Yoshihito Mathematical Journal of Okayama University 59 175 - 218 (2017)
  3. Schrödinger equations on compact symmetric spaces and Gauss sums Kakehi, Tomoyuki Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 64 311 - 318 (2015)
  4. Magnetic Schrödinger equation on compact symmetric spaces and the geodesic Radon transform of one forms Kakehi,Tomoyuki Contemporary Mathematics 598 129 - 138 (2013)
  5. Support theorem for the fundamental solution to the Schrödinger equation on certain compact symmetric spaces Kakehi,Tomoyuki ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS 226 (3) 2739 - 2763 (2011)
  6. Behavior of solutions to linear and semilinear parabolic pseudo-differential equations Kakehi, Tomoyuki, Sakai, Kensuke Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics 34 (2) 221 - 253 (2010)
  7. Fundamental solution to the Schrodinger equation on a compact symmetric space (スペクトル・散乱理論とその周辺--RIMS共同研究報告集) 筧, 知之 数理解析研究所講究録 1696 67 - 78 (2010)
  8. Invariant differential operators and the range of the matrix Radon transform Fulton B. Gonzalez, Tomoyuki Kakehi 241 (1) 232 - 267 (2006)
  9. Moment conditions and support theorems for Radon transforms on affine Grassmann manifolds FB Gonzalez, T Kakehi 201 (2) 516 - 548 (2006)
  10. Dual radon transforms on affine Grassmann manifolds FB Gonzalez, T Kakehi 356 (10) 4161 - 4180 (2004)

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