礒田 正美 / Isoda, Masami

人間系 教授 / Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

21世紀型スキル、資質・能力を育成する日本型教育の世界展開 筑波大学がインドネシア、チリ政府それぞれと教科書を協同開発、全国使用開始


論文 / Publication

  1. Más de una década de Estudio de Clases en Chile: hallazgos y avances Olfos, Raimundo, Isoda, Masami, Estrella, Soledad Revista Paradigma (Edición Cuadragésimo Aniversario: 1980-2020) 41 190 - 221 (2020)
  2. Producing Theories for Mathematics Education through Collaboration: A Historical Development of Japanese Lesson Study Isoda, Masami Teachers of Mathematics Working and Learning in Collaborative Groups: ICMI Study 25 Conference Proceedings 15 - 22 (2020)
  3. 現代のリベラルアーツとしての理数工系科目(STEM)の開発と教育実践のために 吉永契一郎, 斎藤 準, 礒田, 正美, 野口範子, 細川敏幸 大学教育学会誌 40 (2) 85 - 88 (2019)
  4. The intangible task – a revelatory case of teaching mathematical thinking in Japanese elementary schools Rasmussen, Klaus, Isoda, Masami Research in Mathematics Education (RRME) 21 (1) 43 - 59 (2019)
  5. Challenges in the Development of Regional Mathematics Curriculum Standards: The Case of Southeast Asia Minister of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Montecillo, P, Teh, K, Isoda, Masami Shimizu, Y., Vithal, R. edited, ICMI Study 24 Conference Proceedings: School Mathematics Curriculum Reforms: Challenges, Changes and Opportunities 539 - 546 (2018)
  6. Japanese and Thai Senior High School Mathematics Teachers’ Knowledge of Variability Isoda, Masami, Chitmun, Somchai, Gonzalez, Orlando Statistics Education Research Journal 17 (2) 196 - 215 (2018)
  7. Teaching Energy Efficiency: A Cross-Border Public Class and Lesson Study in STEM Isoda, Masami, Araya, Roberto, Eddy, Colleen, Matney, Gabriel, Williams, Joseph, Calfucura, Patricio, Aguirre, Carlos, Becerra, Pablo, Gormaz, Raúl, Soto-Andrade, Jorge, Noine, Takeshi, Mena-Lorca, Arturo, Olfos, Raimundo, Baldin, Yuriko, Malaspina, Uldarico Interaction Design and Architecture (35) 7 - 31 (2018)
  8. Mathematization: A theory for mathematics curriculum design Isoda,Masami Proceedings of the International Workshop on Mathematics Education for Non-Mathematics Students Developing Advanced Mathematical Literacy 27 - 34 (2018)
  9. A 2-Dimensional Matrix for Analyzing Mathematical Tasks Isoda, Masami, Jr., Guillermo, P. Bautista Proceedings of the 41st Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education 2 137 - 144 (2017)
  10. Sharing Japanese-Style Education Abroad Isoda,Masami We are tomodachi. (26) 10 - 11 (2017)

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