石橋 延幸 / Ishibashi, Nobuyuki

数理物質系 教授 / Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences


論文 / Publication

  1. 第18回素粒子メダル:東島 清氏 石橋,延幸 日本物理学会誌 74 (2) 111 - 111 (2019)
  2. Vector profile and gauge invariant observables of string field theory solutions for constant magnetic field background Nobuyuki Ishibashi, Isao Kishimoto, Toru Masuda, Tomohiko Takahashi 2018 (5) (2018)
  3. Multiloop amplitudes of light-cone gauge superstring field theory: odd spin structure contributions Nobuyuki Ishibashi, Koichi Murakami 2018 (3) (2018)
  4. M. Longair, Quantum Concepts in Physics; An Alternative Approach to the Understanding of Quantum Mechanics, Cambridge Univ. Press, New York, 2013, xviii+443p, 25×18cm, $70.00, [専門〜学部向], ISBN978-1-107-01709-2 石橋, 延幸 日本物理學會誌 70 (10) 793 (2015)
  5. Energy from the gauge invariant observables Takayuki Baba, Ishibashi Nobuyuki 2013 (4) (2013)
  6. Spacetime Fermions in Light-cone Gauge Superstring Field Theory and Dimensional Regularization N., Ishibashi, K., Murakami JHEP 1107 (090) (2011)
  7. Light-Cone Gauge String Field Theory and Dimensional Regularization(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) ISHIBASHI, Nobuyuki, MURAKAMI, Koichi 理論物理学の進歩 (188) 9 - 18 (2011)
  8. Light-cone gauge NSR strings in noncritical dimensions II - Ramond sector Nobuyuki Ishibashi, Koichi Murakami 2011 (1) (2011)
  9. Amplitudes in Noncritical Dimensions and Dimensional Regularization Koichi Murakami, Nobuyuki Ishibashi (188) 19 - 28 (2011)
  10. Spacetime fermions in light-cone gauge superstring field theory and dimensional regularization Nobuyuki Ishibashi, Koichi Murakami 2011 (7) (2011)

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