LEE CHUNGMI / Lee, Chungmi 2024年12月現在、筑波大学が主たる所属機関ではありません

筑波大学 体育系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, University of Tsukuba


論文 / Publication

  1. The Organizing Committee Structure of the Cambodia National Games Kado, Kaden Meth, Lee, Chungmi, Takahashi, Yoshio Sport and Olympic-Palalympic Studies Journal 5 (1) 193 - 201 (2020)
  2. Review of Social Media in the Olympic Games: Audience Engagement from Vancouver 2010 to Lausanne 2020 Castillo, Juan, Manuel Mijangos, Lee, Chungmi, Takahashi, Yoshio Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies Journal(SOPSJ) 5 (1) 293 - 308 (2020)
  3. The Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Sports: A Review of Current Challenges and Opportunities Guamaral, Enkhtuvshin, Chungmi, Lee, Takahashi, Yoshio Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies Journal 5 (1) 309 - 318 (2020)
  4. Promoting Singapore as an 'Events and Entertainment Capital of Asia' through the Hosting of International Sport Events Alvin, Eng Kiat Ong, Lee, Chungmi, Takahashi, Yoshio Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies Journal 5 (1) 340 - 347 (2020)
  5. Experimental Findings of Post-Performance Sport Massage Therapy on Stress and Mental State in Athletes LEE, CHUNGMI, Jamie, Tani Research in Dance and Physical 3 (2) 9 - 30 (2019)
  6. Experiences and Meanings to Work for Mega Sport Event: A Comparative Study on Olympic Organizing Committees in Korea and Japan. Lee,Chungmi Asia Sport Management Review 14 26 - 42 (2019)
  7. Analysis of the new Trend of Japanese Footballer's Migration to the big Five European Leagues between 2004 and 2018 Marin, Barbara, Lee, Chungmi, Takahashi, Yoshio Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies Journal 4 (1) 80 - 89 (2019)
  8. The Importance of Brand Association in Sport League: The J.League Somin, Kim, Chungmi, Lee, Takahashi, Yoshio Sport and Olympic-Palalympic Studies Journal 4 (1) 101 - 110 (2019)
  9. The Goal of Olympism: Peace on the Korean Peninsula Through Olympic Lee,Chungmi Research in Dance and Physical Education 2 (2) 11 - 29 (2018)
  10. A study on the Olympic Host City Selection by Utilizing Rational Choice Theory Lee,Chungmi Sport and Olympic-Palalympic Studies Journal 2 (1) 51 - 60 (2018)

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