LEE CHUNGMI / Lee, Chungmi 2024年12月現在、筑波大学が主たる所属機関ではありません
筑波大学 体育系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, University of Tsukuba
論文 / Publication
- The Organizing Committee Structure of the Cambodia National Games Kado, Kaden Meth, Lee, Chungmi, Takahashi, Yoshio Sport and Olympic-Palalympic Studies Journal 5 (1) 193 - 201 (2020)
- Review of Social Media in the Olympic Games: Audience Engagement from Vancouver 2010 to Lausanne 2020 Castillo, Juan, Manuel Mijangos, Lee, Chungmi, Takahashi, Yoshio Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies Journal(SOPSJ) 5 (1) 293 - 308 (2020)
- The Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Sports: A Review of Current Challenges and Opportunities Guamaral, Enkhtuvshin, Chungmi, Lee, Takahashi, Yoshio Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies Journal 5 (1) 309 - 318 (2020)
- Promoting Singapore as an 'Events and Entertainment Capital of Asia' through the Hosting of International Sport Events Alvin, Eng Kiat Ong, Lee, Chungmi, Takahashi, Yoshio Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies Journal 5 (1) 340 - 347 (2020)
- Experimental Findings of Post-Performance Sport Massage Therapy on Stress and Mental State in Athletes LEE, CHUNGMI, Jamie, Tani Research in Dance and Physical 3 (2) 9 - 30 (2019)
- Experiences and Meanings to Work for Mega Sport Event: A Comparative Study on Olympic Organizing Committees in Korea and Japan. Lee,Chungmi Asia Sport Management Review 14 26 - 42 (2019)
- Analysis of the new Trend of Japanese Footballer's Migration to the big Five European Leagues between 2004 and 2018 Marin, Barbara, Lee, Chungmi, Takahashi, Yoshio Sport and Olympic-Paralympic Studies Journal 4 (1) 80 - 89 (2019)
- The Importance of Brand Association in Sport League: The J.League Somin, Kim, Chungmi, Lee, Takahashi, Yoshio Sport and Olympic-Palalympic Studies Journal 4 (1) 101 - 110 (2019)
- The Goal of Olympism: Peace on the Korean Peninsula Through Olympic Lee,Chungmi Research in Dance and Physical Education 2 (2) 11 - 29 (2018)
- A study on the Olympic Host City Selection by Utilizing Rational Choice Theory Lee,Chungmi Sport and Olympic-Palalympic Studies Journal 2 (1) 51 - 60 (2018)
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発行:筑波大学 URA研究戦略推進室・研究推進部
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