髙部 響介 / Takabe, Kyosuke

生命環境系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences


論文 / Publication

  1. Implications of back-and-forth motion and powerful propulsion for spirochetal invasion. Keigo Abe, Toshiki Kuribayashi, Kyosuke Takabe, Shuichi Nakamura 10 (1) 13937 - 13937 (2020)
  2. Reconstruction of Single-Cell Innate Fluorescence Signatures by Confocal Microscopy. Tomohiro Hirayama, Kyosuke Takabe, Tatsunori Kiyokawa, Nobuhiko Nomura, Yutaka Yawata (159) (2020)
  3. Intra- and interspecies variability of single-cell innate fluorescence signature of microbial cell Yawata Y, Kiyokawa T, Kawamura Y, Hirayama T, Takabe K, Nomura N Applied and Environmental Microbiology 85 (18) e00608 - 19 (2019)
  4. The mechanism of two-phase motility in the spirochete Leptospira: Swimming and crawling Hajime Tahara, Kyosuke Takabe, Yuya Sasaki, Kie Kasuga, Akihiro Kawamoto, Nobuo Koizumi, Shuichi Nakamura 4 (5) eaar7975 (2018)
  5. Implications of coordinated cell-body rotations for Leptospira motility Kyosuke Takabe, Akihiro Kawamoto, Hajime Tahara, Seishi Kudo, Shuichi Nakamura 491 (4) 1040 - 1046 (2017)
  6. Viscosity-dependent variations in the cell shape and swimming manner of Leptospira Kyosuke Takabe, Hajime Tahara, Md. Shafiqul Islam, Samia Affroze, Seishi Kudo, Shuichi Nakamura 163 (2) 153 - 160 (2017)
  7. Characterization of Leptospiral Chemoreceptors Using a Microscopic Agar Drop Assay Samia Affroze, Md. Shafiqul Islam, Kyosuke Takabe, Seishi Kudo, Shuichi Nakamura 73 (2) 202 - 205 (2016)
  8. Analysis of the chemotactic behaviour of Leptospira using microscopic agar-drop assay Md. Shafiqul Islam, Kyosuke Takabe, Seishi Kudo, Shuichi Nakamura 356 (1) 39 - 44 (2014)
  9. Effect of osmolarity and viscosity on the motility of pathogenic and saprophytic Leptospira Kyosuke Takabe, Shuichi Nakamura, Masamichi Ashihara, Seishi Kudo 57 (3) 236 - 239 (2013)

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