田 暁潔 / Tian, Xiaojie 2024年12月現在、筑波大学が主たる所属機関ではありません

筑波大学 体育系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, University of Tsukuba


論文 / Publication

  1. ケニアの牧畜民マサイ社会における遊びとその変遷:子どもの日常生活と大人の語りに着目して スポーツ人類學研究 (22) 41 - 62 (2020)
  2. Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Patterns among Kenyan and Japanese Children: A Comprehensive Cross-Country Comparison Tetsuhiro Kidokoro, Noriyuki Fuku, Toshio Yanagiya, Tomonari Takeshita, Mizuki Takaragawa, Michael Annear, Tian Xiaojie, Luka B. Waiganjo, Lamec F. Bogonko, Juliet K. Isika, Mbithe D. Kigaru, Francis M. Mwangi 17 (12) 4254 (2020)
  3. The Role of Social Norms and Interactions in the Process of Learning-by-Doing: From the Ethnography of Daily Work, Play, and School Participation of Children in Contemporary Pastoralist Maasai Society in Southern Kenya Tian,Xiaojie African Study Monographs 40 (2-3) 77 - 92 (2019)
  4. Generating Pastoral Skills through Work and Play in the Daily Life of Maasai Children in Kenya Tian, Xiaojie JOURNAL OF ETHNOBIOLOGY 38 (2) 170 - 186 (2018)
  5. Ethnobiological Knowledge Generation during “Herding Games” in Pastoralist Maasai Society in Southern Kenya Tian,Xiaojie AnthropoChildren 07 (2017)
  6. Ethnobotanical knowledge acquisition during daily chores: the firewood collection of pastoral Maasai girls in Southern Kenya Xiaojie Tian 13 (2) (2017)
  7. Day-to-Day Accumulation of Indigenous Ecological Knowledge: A Case Study of Pastoral Maasai Children in Southern Kenya. African Study Monographs Tian,Xiaojie African Study Monographs 37 (2) 75 - 102 (2016)

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