德永 智子 / Tokunaga, Tomoko
人間系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences
関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE
論文 / Publication
- ‘Is he allowed to have a crush on you?’ interrupting adultism in fieldwork with youth* Beth Douthirt-Cohen, Tomoko Tokunaga Ethnography and Education 15 (2) 207 - 221 (2020)
- Possibilities and Constraints of Immigrant Students in the Japanese Educational System 徳永智子 Background Paper Commissioned for Global Education Monitoring Report 2019, Migration, Displacement and Education: Building Bridges, Not Walls, UNESCO Publishing (2018)
- Multicultural Education in Japan Tomoko Tokunaga Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education (2017)
- 多文化クラスにおけるチーム・エスノグラフィーの教育実践 徳永智子, 井本由紀 異文化間教育 (46) 47 - 62 (2017)
- ‘We Dominate the Basement!’: How Asian American Girls Construct a Borderland Community Tomoko Tokunaga International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 29 (9) 1086 - 1099 (2016)
- 国境を越える想像上の「ホーム」:アジア系アメリカ人の女子生徒によるメディア/ポピュラー・カルチャーの消費に着目して 徳永智子 異文化間教育 (40) 70 - 84 (2014)
- When the Social Justice Learning Curve Isn't As Steep: How an Introductory Graduate Course in Social Foundations Changed the Conversation Douthirt-Cohen, B, Tokunaga, T, Colvin, D, Mac, J, Martinez, J, Leets, C, Lee, D Educational Studies: A Journal of the American Educational Studies Association 49 (3) 263 - 284 (2013)
- The Ongoing Pursuit of Educational Equity in Japan: The Accreditation of Ethnic High Schools Tomoko Tokunaga, Beth Douthirt-Cohen Equity & Excellence in Education 45 (2) 320 - 333 (2012)
- ‘I’m Not Going to Be in Japan Forever’: How Filipina Immigrant Youth in Japan Construct the Meaning of “Home” Tomoko Tokunaga Ethnography and Education 6 (2) 179 - 193 (2011)
- 『フィリピン系ニューカマー』生徒の進路意識と将来展望:『重要な他者』と『来日経緯』に着目して 徳永智子 異文化間教育 (28) 87 - 99 (2008)
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