廣川 暢一 / Hirokawa, Masakazu

システム情報系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems


論文 / Publication

  1. Spatial Perception and Operational Behavior of Drivers in Approaching to an Obstacle. Shintaro Kawai, Masakazu Hirokawa, Naohisa Uesugi, Satoru Furugori, Toshihiro Hara, Kenji Suzuki 0002 2020-October 2257 - 2262 (2020)
  2. Effects of Visual Biofeedback on Competition Performance Using an Immersive Mixed Reality System. Maxwell Kennard, Haihan Zhang, Yuki Akimoto, Masakazu Hirokawa, Kenji Suzuki 0002 2020-October 3793 - 3798 (2020)
  3. Design of Haptic Gestures for Affective Social Signaling Through a Cushion Interface. Eleuda Nuñez, Masakazu Hirokawa, Kenji Suzuki 0002 21 - 26 (2020)
  4. A Multimodal Communication Aid for Persons with Cerebral Palsy Using Head Movement and Speech Recognition. Tomoka Ikeda, Masakazu Hirokawa, Kenji Suzuki 0002 429 - 436 (2020)
  5. Effect on Social Connectedness and Stress Levels by Using a Huggable Interface in Remote Communication. Eleuda Nuñez, Masakazu Hirokawa, Monica Perusquía-Hernández, Kenji Suzuki 0002 1 - 7 (2019)
  6. A Socially Assistive Mobile Platform for Weight-Support in Gait Training Bruno Leme, Masakazu Hirokawa, Hideki Kadone, Kenji Suzuki International Journal of Social Robotics (2019)
  7. Adaptive Behavior Acquisition of a Robot Based on Affective Feedback and Improvised Teleoperation. Masakazu Hirokawa, Atsushi Funahashi, Yasushi Itoh, Kenji Suzuki 0002 11 (3) 405 - 413 (2019)
  8. Design of a Huggable Social Robot with Affective Expressions Using Projected Images Eleuda Nunez, Masakazu Hirokawa, Kenji Suzuki 8 (11) (2018)
  9. Effect of Sensory Feedback on Turn-Taking Using Paired Devices for Children with ASD Eleuda Nunez, Soichiro Matsuda, Masakazu Hirokawa, Junichi Yamamoto, Kenji Suzuki 2 (4) (2018)
  10. Spontaneous and posed smile recognition based on spatial and temporal patterns of facial EMG Monica Perusquía-Hernández, Mazakasu Hirokawa, Kenji Suzuki 2017 7th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, ACII 2017 2018-January 537 - 541 (2018)

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知財 / Intellectual properties

  1. 特願2017-093006 : 評価装置、評価システム、評価方法及びプログラム 廣川 暢一, 鈴木 健嗣
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