坂口 昌徳 / Sakaguchi, Masanori
国際統合睡眠医科学研究機構 准教授 / Associate Professor, International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine
関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE
論文 / Publication
- Metabolic fingerprints of fear memory consolidation during sleep. Iyo Koyanagi, Kazuhiro Sonomura, Toshie Naoi, Takaaki Ohnishi, Naoko Kaneko, Kazunobu Sawamoto, Taka-Aki Sato, Masanori Sakaguchi 14 (1) 30 - 30 (2021)
- Calcium imaging of adult-born neurons in freely moving mice Carrier-Ruiz A, Sugaya Y, Kumar D, Vergara P, Koyanagi I, Srinivasan S, Naoi T, Kano M, Sakaguchi M STAR Protocols (2021)
- Mechanisms Underlying Memory Consolidation by Adult-Born Neurons During Sleep Pablo Vergara, Masanori Sakaguchi 14 (2020)
- Sparse Activity of Hippocampal Adult-Born Neurons during REM Sleep Is Necessary for Memory Consolidation Deependra Kumar, Iyo Koyanagi, Alvaro Carrier-Ruiz, Pablo Vergara, Sakthivel Srinivasan, Yuki Sugaya, Masatoshi Kasuya, Tzong-Shiue Yu, Kaspar E. Vogt, Masafumi Muratani, Takaaki Ohnishi, Sima Singh, Catia M. Teixeira, Yoan Chérasse, Toshie Naoi, Szu-Han Wang, Pimpimon Nondhalee, Boran A.H. Osman, Naoko Kaneko, Kazunobu Sawamoto, Steven G. Kernie, Takeshi Sakurai, Thomas J. McHugh, Masanobu Kano, Masashi Yanagisawa, Masanori Sakaguchi 107 (3) 552 - 565.e10 (2020)
- Progressive Changes in Sleep and Its Relations to Amyloid-β Distribution and Learning in Single App Knock-In Mice Sakura Eri B. Maezono, Mika Kanuka, Chika Tatsuzawa, Miho Morita, Taizo Kawano, Mitsuaki Kashiwagi, Pimpimon Nondhalee, Masanori Sakaguchi, Takashi Saito, Takaomi C. Saido, Yu Hayashi 7 (2) 0093 - 20.2020 (2020)
- Miniaturized microscope with flexible light source input for neuronal imaging and manipulation in freely behaving animals Sakthivel Srinivasan, Takuma Hosokawa, Pablo Vergara, Yoan Chérasse, Toshie Naoi, Takeshi Sakurai, Masanori Sakaguchi 517 (3) 520 - 524 (2019)
- Memory consolidation during sleep and adult hippocampal neurogenesis Koyanagi, I., Akers, K., Vergara, P., Srinivasan, S., Sakurai, T., Sakaguchi, M. 14 (1) 20 - 23 (2019)
- Concise Review: Regulatory Influence of Sleep and Epigenetics on Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis and Cognitive and Emotional Function Akers, K.G., Chérasse, Y., Fujita, Y., Srinivasan, S., Sakurai, T., Sakaguchi, M. 36 (7) 969 - 976 (2018)
- Auditory conditioned stimulus presentation during NREM sleep impairs fear memory in mice Purple, R.J., Sakurai, T., Sakaguchi, M. 7 46247 (2017)
- Effect of context exposure after fear learning on memory generalization in mice Fujinaka, A., Li, R., Hayashi, M., Kumar, D., Changarathil, G., Naito, K., Miki, K., Nishiyama, T., Lazarus, M., Sakurai, T., Kee, N., Nakajima, S., Wang, S.-H., Sakaguchi, M. 9 (1) 2 (2016)
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知財 / Intellectual properties
- 特願2019-145967 : 判定装置、光照射装置、及びプログラム 坂口 昌徳, 手塚太郎
- 特願2019-137229 : 小型撮像装置 坂口 昌徳, 手塚太郎, 細川拓馬
- : Agent for inhibiting proliferation of neural stem cells.
- PCT/PO4/13043 : Methods for enhancing survival and/or proliferation of neural stem cells and neurite extension enhancers therefore pharmaceutical compositions containing neural stem cells assay methods and screening methods.
- PCT/JP2004/0113043 : 神経幹細胞の生存及び/又は増殖及び神経突起伸張を促進する方法並びに促進剤、神経幹細胞を含む医薬組成物、検定方法、スクリーニング方法 岡野栄之, 岡野ジェイムス洋尚, 坂口昌徳, 水澤英洋, 石橋哲
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