竹山 美宏 / Takeyama, Yoshihiro

数理物質系 教授 / Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences


論文 / Publication

  1. Special values of finite multiple harmonic $q$-series at roots of unity Henrik Bachmann, Yoshihiro Takeyama, Koji Tasaka 1 - 18 (2020)
  2. Derivations on the algebra of multiple harmonic q-series and their applications Yoshihiro Takeyama Ramanujan J. 52 (1) 41 - 65 (2019)
  3. On the eigenfunctions for the multi-species q-Boson system Yoshihiro Takeyama Funkcialaj Ekvacioj 61 (3) 349 - 376 (2018)
  4. Cyclotomic analogues of finite multiple zeta values Henrik Bachmann, Yoshihiro Takeyama, Koji Tasaka Compositio Mathematica 154 (12) 2701 - 2721 (2018)
  5. 可積分確率過程に現れる対称関数 竹山美宏 九州大学応用力学研究所 研究集会報告 非線形波動研究の深化と展開 31 - 38 (2017)
  6. A deformation of affine Hecke algebra and integrable stochastic particle system Yoshihiro Takeyama 47 (46) (2014)
  7. A Discrete Analogue of Periodic Delta Bose Gas and Affine Hecke Algebra Yoshihiro Takeyama 57 (1) 107 - 118 (2014)
  8. A restricted sum formula for a q-analogue of multiple zeta values Yoshihiro Takeyama 40 561 - 573 (2013)
  9. The Algebra of a q-Analogue of Multiple Harmonic Series Yoshihiro Takeyama 9 (2013)
  10. Quadratic relations for a q-analogue of multiple zeta values Yoshihiro Takeyama 27 (1) 15 - 28 (2012)

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