沢宮 容子 / Sawamiya, Yoko

人間系 教授 / Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences


論文 / Publication

  1. LGBにおける性的指向と関連した体験:マイノリティ・ストレスに焦点を当てて 佐藤洋輔, 沢宮容子 心理臨床学研究 (印刷中) (2021)
  2. 日本語版幸せへの恐れ尺度と日本語版幸せの壊れやすさ尺度の信頼性・妥当性の検討 生田目光, 猪原あゆみ, 浅野良輔, 五十嵐祐, 塚本早織, 沢宮容子 心理学研究 (印刷中) (2021)
  3. Psychometric properties of the Japanese version of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 for Children (BAS-2C) Hikari Namatame, Yoshihiro Yashima, Yoko Sawamiya 33 7 - 12 (2020)
  4. The Breast Size Satisfaction Survey (BSSS): Breast size dissatisfaction and its antecedents and outcomes in women from 40 nations Viren Swami, Ulrich S. Tran, David Barron, Reza Afhami, Annie Aimé, Carlos A. Almenara, Nursel Alp Dal, Ana Carolina Soares Amaral, Sonny Andrianto, Gulnaz Anjum, Marios Argyrides, Mohammad Atari, Mudassar Aziz, Benjamin Banai, Joanna Borowiec, Alexandra Brewis, Yeliz Cakir Kocak, Juliana Alvares Duarte Bonini Campos, Carmen Carmona, Trawin Chaleeraktrakoon, Hong Chen, Phatthanakit Chobthamkit, Bovornpot Choompunuch, Togas Constantinos, Aine Crumlish, Julio Eduardo Cruz, Simon E. Dalley, Devi Damayanti, Joanna Dare, Stacey M. Donofrio, Anja Draksler, Michelle Escasa-Dorne, Elaine Frances Fernandez, Maria Elisa Caputo Ferreira, David A. Frederick, Antonio Alías García, Shulamit Geller, Alexias George, Louai Ghazieh, Cosmin Goian, Colin Gorman, Caterina Grano, Jonathan Eliahu Handelzalts, Heather Horsburgh, Todd Jackson, Lady Grey Javela Javela Delgado, Marija Jović, Marko Jović, Adam Kantanista, Sevag K. Kertechian, Loes Kessels, Magdalena Król-Zielińska, Garry Kuan, Yee Cheng Kueh, Sanjay Kumar, Ingela Lundin Kvalem, Caterina Lombardo, Ernesto Luis López Almada, Christophe Maïano, Mandar Manjary, Karlijn Massar, Camilla Matera, Juliana F.Figueiras Mereiles, Norbert Meskó, Hikari Namatame, Amanda Nerini, Felix Neto, Joana Neto, Angela Nogueira Neves, Siu Kuen Ng, Devi R. Nithiya, Salma Samir Omar, Mika Omori, Maria Serena Panasiti, Irena Pavela Banai, Eva Pila, Alessandra Pokrajac-Bulian, Vita Postuvan, Ivanka Prichard, Magdalena Razmus, Catherine M. Sabiston, Reza N. Sahlan, Jacob Owusu Sarfo, Yoko Sawamiya, Stefan Stieger, Cindi SturtzSreetharan, Eugene Tee, Gill A. ten Hoor, Kulvadee Thongpibul, Arun Tipandjan, Otilia Tudorel, Tracy Tylka, Zahir Vally, Juan Camilo Vargas-Nieto, Luis Diego Vega, Jose Vidal-Mollón, Mona Vintila, Deborah Williams, Amber Wutich, Yuko Yamamiya 32 199 - 217 (2020)
  5. Development and validation of a Japanese version of the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents Namatame, H, Fujisato, H, Ito, M, Sawamiya, Y Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 16 209 - 219 (2020)
  6. Investigation of attachment orientation, affect regulation, and depression Kobori, O, Sawamiya, Y, Yoshinaga, N, Rowe, A.C, Wilkinson, L.L Psychologia (in press) (2020)
  7. 浅い関係で用いられるスキルが行動活性化に与える影響 田中圭, 沢宮容子 応用心理学研究 46 (2) 139 - 148 (2020)
  8. Development and validation of a Japanese version of the emotion regulation questionnaire for children and adolescents Hikari Namatame, Hiroko Fujisato, Masaya Ito, Yoko Sawamiya 16 209 - 219 (2020)
  9. Investigation of attachment orientation, and affect regulation: Use of a novel affect regulation mapping tool in Japanese athletes Osamu Kobori, Yoko Sawamiya, Naoki Yoshinaga, Angela C. Rowe, Laura L. Wilkinson 62 (1) 63 - 76 (2020)
  10. 適応的調和食行動尺度(IES-2)の日本語版作成 生田目 光, 沢宮 容子 心理臨床学研究 37 (3) 238 - 248 (2019)

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