藪野 浩司 / Yabuno, Hiroshi

システム情報系 教授 / Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

Measurement of added mass for an object oscillating in viscous fluids using nonlinear self-excited oscillations
Nonlinear interactions between unstable oscillatory modes in a cantilevered pipe conveying fluid
Amplitude control of self-excited weakly coupled cantilevers for mass sensing using nonlinear velocity feedback control
Subcritical Hopf and saddle-node bifurcations in hunting motion caused by cubic and quintic nonlinearities: experimental identification of nonlinearities in a roller rig


論文 / Publication

  1. Identification of the parameters of the Maxwell model using self-excited oscillation Luo, Y, Yabuno, H, Yamamoto, Y, Matsumoto, S JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION 442 598 - 608 (2019)
  2. Mass Sensing in a Liquid Environment Using Nonlinear Self-Excited Coupled-Microcantilevers Endo, D, Yabuno, H, Yamamoto, Y, Matsumoto, S JOURNAL OF MICROELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS 27 (5) 774 - 779 (2018)
  3. Proposition for sensorless self-excitation by a piezoelectric device Y. Tanaka, Y. Kokubun, H. Yabuno 419 544 - 557 (2018)
  4. Cubic-quintic nonlinear parametric resonance of a simply supported beam Naoto Araumi, Hiroshi Yabuno 90 (1) 549 - 560 (2017)
  5. Analysis of the behavior of a wiper blade around the reversal in consideration of dynamic and static friction M. Unno, A. Shibata, H. Yabuno, D. Yanagisawa, T. Nakano 393 76 - 91 (2017)
  6. Measurement of softening cubic nonlinear and negative linear stiffness using van der Pol type self-excited oscillation Yudai Tanaka, Hiroshi Yabuno 83 (1-2) 283 - 290 (2016)
  7. Self-Excited Vibrational Cantilever-Type Viscometer Driven by Piezo-Actuator Higashino, K, Yabuno, H, Aono, K, Yamamoto, Y, Kuroda, M JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME 137 (6) 061009 (2015)
  8. Passive method for controlling the nonlinear characteristics in a parametrically excited hinged-hinged beam by the addition of a linear spring A. Shibata, S. Ohishi, H. Yabuno 350 111 - 122 (2015)
  9. Self-excited coupled-microcantilevers for mass sensing Endo, D, Yabuno, H, Higashino, K, Yamamoto, Y, Matsumoto, S 106 (22) 223105 (2015)
  10. Theoretical and experimental analyses on stabilization of hunting motion by utilizing the traction motor as a passive gyroscopic damper Hayato Yoshino, Takumi Hosoya, Hiroshi Yabuno, Shihpin Lin, Yoshihiro Suda 229 (4) 395 - 401 (2015)

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知財 / Intellectual properties

  1. 特願2013-074562 : 圧電アクチュエータ用駆動回路、圧電アクチュエータの駆動方法及び固有振動数測定装置 黒田 雅治, 藤澤 悟, 藪野 浩司, 國分 陽介
  2. 特願2012-015801 : 線形弾性率の測定方法及び線形弾性率測定装置 黒田 雅治, 山本 泰之, 藪野 浩司
  3. 特願2012-149105 : 鉄道車両用台車 須田 義大, 林 世彬, 藪野 浩司, 細谷 拓実
  4. 特願2012-015802 : 粘弾性測定方法及び粘弾性測定装置 黒田 雅治, 山本 泰之, 藪野 浩司
  5. 特願2012-015803 : 粘弾性測定方法及び粘弾性測定装置 黒田 雅治, 山本 泰之, 藪野 浩司
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