小泉 裕康 / Koizumi, Hiroyasu
計算科学研究センター 准教授 / Associate Professor, Center for Computational Sciences
関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE
論文 / Publication
- Possible Occurrence of Superconductivity by the π-flux Dirac String Formation Due to Spin-Twisting Itinerant Motion of Electrons Koizumi,Hiroyasu Symmetry 12 (5) 776-1 - 776-16 (2020)
- Explanation of Superfluidity Using the Berry Connection for Many-Body Wave Functions. 小泉,裕康 J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. 33 1697 - 1707 (2020)
- Supercurrent Generation by Spin-Twisting Itinerant Motion of Electrons 小泉, 裕康, Manabe, Daichi Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 32 (8) 2303 - 2312 (2019)
- Magnetic field induced charge order in cuprate superconductors: an explanation by spin-vortex-induced loop currents 小泉,裕康 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1148 012009-1 - 012009-10 (2018)
- Flux rule, U(1)インスタントン、超伝導 小泉, 裕康 日本物理学会講演概要集 73 2300 - 2300 (2018)
- External current as a coupler between the spin- vortex-induced loop current qubits Wakaura, Hikaru, Koizumi, Hiroyasu J. Phys. Commun. 1 (5) 055013 (2018)
- Flux Rule, U(1) Instanton, and Superconductivity Hiroyasu Koizumi 30 (12) 3345 - 3349 (2017)
- Effect of Rashba Spin-Orbit Interaction on the Stability of Spin-Vortex-Induced Loop Current in Hole-Doped Cuprate Superconductors: A Scenario for the Appearance of Magnetic Field Enhanced Charge Order and Fermi Surface Reconstruction Tsubasa Morisaki, Hikaru Wakaura, Hiroyasu Koizumi 86 (10) (2017)
- Response Current from Spin-Vortex-Induced Loop Current System to Feeding Current Tsubasa Morisaki, Hikaru Wakaura, Michel Abou Ghantous, Hiroyasu Koizumi 86 (7) (2017)
- Origin of the U(1) field mass in superconductors Koizumi,Hiroyasu Journal of Physics: Conference Series , Vibronic Coupling and Electron-Phonon Interactions in Molecules and Crystals: XXIII International Symposium on the Jahn-Teller Effect, 833 012016 (2017)
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知財 / Intellectual properties
- 13/805,181 : Quantum Computer Koizumi,Hiroyasu
- PCT/JP2011/063881 : 量子コンピューター 小泉裕康
- 2010-142978 : 量子コンピューター 小泉裕康
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発行:筑波大学 URA研究戦略推進室・研究推進部
© University of Tsukuba