小泉 裕康 / Koizumi, Hiroyasu

計算科学研究センター 准教授 / Associate Professor, Center for Computational Sciences

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

ファインマンも解けなかった問題を解明 ~ファラデーの電磁誘導の法則とローレンレツ力はなぜ同じ起電力を与えるのか~


論文 / Publication

  1. Possible Occurrence of Superconductivity by the π-flux Dirac String Formation Due to Spin-Twisting Itinerant Motion of Electrons Koizumi,Hiroyasu Symmetry 12 (5) 776-1 - 776-16 (2020)
  2. Explanation of Superfluidity Using the Berry Connection for Many-Body Wave Functions. 小泉,裕康 J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. 33 1697 - 1707 (2020)
  3. Supercurrent Generation by Spin-Twisting Itinerant Motion of Electrons 小泉, 裕康, Manabe, Daichi Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 32 (8) 2303 - 2312 (2019)
  4. Magnetic field induced charge order in cuprate superconductors: an explanation by spin-vortex-induced loop currents 小泉,裕康 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1148 012009-1 - 012009-10 (2018)
  5. Flux rule, U(1)インスタントン、超伝導 小泉, 裕康 日本物理学会講演概要集 73 2300 - 2300 (2018)
  6. External current as a coupler between the spin- vortex-induced loop current qubits Wakaura, Hikaru, Koizumi, Hiroyasu J. Phys. Commun. 1 (5) 055013 (2018)
  7. Flux Rule, U(1) Instanton, and Superconductivity Hiroyasu Koizumi 30 (12) 3345 - 3349 (2017)
  8. Effect of Rashba Spin-Orbit Interaction on the Stability of Spin-Vortex-Induced Loop Current in Hole-Doped Cuprate Superconductors: A Scenario for the Appearance of Magnetic Field Enhanced Charge Order and Fermi Surface Reconstruction Tsubasa Morisaki, Hikaru Wakaura, Hiroyasu Koizumi 86 (10) (2017)
  9. Response Current from Spin-Vortex-Induced Loop Current System to Feeding Current Tsubasa Morisaki, Hikaru Wakaura, Michel Abou Ghantous, Hiroyasu Koizumi 86 (7) (2017)
  10. Origin of the U(1) field mass in superconductors Koizumi,Hiroyasu Journal of Physics: Conference Series , Vibronic Coupling and Electron-Phonon Interactions in Molecules and Crystals: XXIII International Symposium on the Jahn-Teller Effect, 833 012016 (2017)

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知財 / Intellectual properties

  1. 13/805,181 : Quantum Computer Koizumi,Hiroyasu
  2. PCT/JP2011/063881 : 量子コンピューター 小泉裕康
  3. 2010-142978 : 量子コンピューター 小泉裕康
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