工藤 博幸 / Kudo, Hiroyuki
システム情報系 教授 / Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems
関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE
- 5名の筑波大研究者が平成30年度科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 科学技術賞を受賞しました! Reseachers in UT have reciebed Prizes for Science and Technology
論文 / Publication
- Image reconstruction framework for helical cone-beam CT by combining compressed sensing and deep learning Kawamata, Kentaro, Kazuo, Subaru, Takizawa, Hotaka, Kudo, Hiroyuki Proceedings of International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia 2021 (IFMIA2021) (2021)
- Combining compressed sensing and deep learning using multi-channel CNN for image reconstruction in low-dose and sparse-view CT Kazuo, Subaru, Kawamata, Kentaro, Kudo, Hiroyuki Proceedings of International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia 2021 (IFMIA2021) (2021)
- An iterative reconstruction method for CT metal artifact reduction using L1 norm data fidelity and nonlocal TV regularization Chigita, Kazuki, Dong, Jian, Kudo, Hiroyuki Proceedings of International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia 2021 (IFMIA2021) (2021)
- U-Net based extraction of centerline segments of cervical spines in videofluorography during swallowing Zhu, Ye, Fujinaka, Ayano, Takizawa, Hotaka, Kudo, Hiroyuki Proceedings of International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia 2021 (IFMIA2021) (2021)
- Blind image restoration and super-resolution for multispectral images using sparse optimization Izumi, Yoshitaka, Suto, Dan, Kawakami, Sota, Kudo, Hiroyuki Journal of Image and Graphics (2021)
- Nonlinear filtered compressed sensing applied on image de-noising Dong, Jian, Ding, Yang, Kudo, Hiroyuki Proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia and Image Processing 2021 (ICMIP 2021) (2021)
- Single-shot fringe-pattern analysis algorithm robust against abrupt phase jumps Lian, Songzhe, Kudo, Hiroyuki, Momose, Atsushi, Wu, Yanlin Optics and Lasers in Engineering (2020)
- Segmentation of cervical intervertebral disks from videofluorography based on semantic segmentation, multi-channelization, and feature selection: comparison of U-Net, FPN, LinkNet, and PSPNet Fujinaka, Ayano, Mekata, Kojiro, Takizawa, Hotaka, Kudo, Hiroyuki Proceedings of Asian Conference on Computer Aided Surgery (ACCAS 2020) (2020)
- Nonlocal total variation using the first and second order derivatives and its application to CT image reconstruction Kim, Yongchae, Kudo, Hiroyuki Sensors 20 (12) (2020)
- Development of multi-beam x-ray optics for high-speed tomography Voegeli, Wolfgang, Shirasawa, Tetsuroh, Arakawa, Etsuo, Kajiwara, Kantaro, Liang, Xiaoyu, Kudo, Hiroyuki, Yashiro, Wataru International Conference on X-ray Optics and Applications 2019 (XOPT2019) (2020)
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知財 / Intellectual properties
- 特許願2020-042154 : 学習済モデル生成プログラム、画像生成プログラム、学習済モデル生成装置、画像生成装置、学習済モデル生成方法及び画像生成方法 工藤, 博幸, 森和希
- 国際特許WO/2018/179905A1, US,EP,CN,JP出願中 : Interior CT image genration method Kudo,Hiroyuki
- 国際特許PCT/JP2019/23266 : 位相画像撮影方法とそれを利用した位相画像撮影装置(PCT出願) 工藤, 博幸, 廉, 松哲
- 特許願2017-189610 : インテリアCT位相イメージングX線顕微鏡装置(PCT出願) 中野朝雄, 高野秀和, 工藤, 博幸, 百生敦
- 特許願2018-111563 : 位相画像撮影方法とそれを利用した位相画像撮影装置 工藤, 博幸, 廉, 松哲
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