町田 文雄 / Machida, Fumio

システム情報系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems


論文 / Publication

  1. マルコフ連鎖を用いた多モデル多入力型機械学習システムの性能評価 巻野, 侑大, Tuan, Phung-Duc, 町田 文雄 第37回(2020年度)待ち行列シンポジウム「確率モデルとその応用」 79 - 88 (2021)
  2. Analysis of optimal file placement for energy-efficient file-sharing cloud storage system Machida, Fumio, Hasebe, Koji, Abe, Hirotake, Kato, Kazuhiko IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing (2020)
  3. Markov chains and Petri nets for software rejuvenation systems Machida, Fumio, Paulo R. M, Maciel IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW) 325 - 326 (2020)
  4. Software aging in image classification systems on cloud and edge Machida, Fumio, Andrade, Ermeson, Pietrantuono, Roberto, Cotroneo, Domenico Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW) 342 - 348 (2020)
  5. DSN 2019 参加報告 町田, 文雄, 松野裕 コンピュータ ソフトウェア 37 (1) 78 - 83 (2020)
  6. Analyzing software rejuvenation techniques in a virtualized system: service provider and user views Bai, Jing, Chang, Xiaolin, Machida, Fumio, Trivedi, Kishor S, Han, Zhen IEEE Access 8 6448 - 6459 (2020)
  7. On the diversity of machine learning models for system reliability Machida,Fumio Proceedings of IEEE Pacific Rim Int'l Symp. on Dependable Computing (PRDC) 276 - 285 (2019)
  8. Analysis of software aging impacts on plant anomaly detection with edge computing Machida, Fumio, Andrade, Ermeson Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW) (2019)
  9. Practices in Model Component Reuse for Efficient Dependability Analysis Machida,Fumio Companion of the 2019 ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering 65 - 70 (2019)
  10. N-version machine learning models for safety critical systems Machida,Fumio DSN Workshop on Dependable and Secure Machine Learning 48 - 51 (2019)

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