宍戸 英彦 / Shishido, Hidehiko

計算科学研究センター 助教 / Assistant Professor, Center for Computational Sciences

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

カメラ1台でバーチャル博物館をつくる「Remote Museum Explorer」 自由に視点を変えて展示物を楽しめる技術の開発 | 北原 格
観察視点と解説文が連動するインタラクティブ提示により、バーチャル博物館などの探索活動の深化を目指す Deeper exploration of a virtual museum through interactive exhibitions linking multi-perspective observation and explanatory notes.
最高度の3D-CG技術で実現する手術ナビゲーションと レアケースへの対応スキル向上
Surgical navigation realized by highest-level 3D-CG technology and improvement of skills dealing with rare cases


論文 / Publication

  1. Method of Multiview Video Switching for Soccer Game Analysis in Large Scale Space Shishido, Hidehiko, Okada, Yosuke, Kameda, Yoshinari, Koido, Masaaki, Kitahara, Itaru ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications, 8 (2) 70 - 80 (2020)
  2. Read-the-game: System for skill-based visual exploratory activity assessment with a full body virtual reality soccer simulation Ferrer, Cesar Daniel Rojas, Shishido, Hidehiko, Kitahara, Itaru, Kameda, Yoshinari PLoS ONE 15 (3) (2020)
  3. Pitching Form Evaluation Based on Elbow Position by a Monocular Camera Naoto, Nohra, Hidehiko, Shishido, Kitahara, Itaru, Kameda, Yoshinari Proceedings of The International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT2020) (2020)
  4. Evaluation for Harmonic Location Estimation System of Image Retrieval and SLAM Yamasaki, Kohei, Hidehiko, Shishido, Kitahara, Itaru, Yoshinari, Kameda Proceedings of The International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT2020) (2020)
  5. バイヨン寺院における予防的保全に資する劣化・変形・環境観測システムの構築 川平, 洋平, 池田, 啓, 宍戸, 英彦, 河﨑, 衣美, 北原, 格, 丸太, 寛之, 里, 知樹, 松井, 敏也 月刊考古学ジャーナル 736 29 - 34 (2020)
  6. Super Long Interval Time-Lapse Image Generation for Proactive Preservation of Cultural Heritage Using Crowdsourcing Shishido, Hidehiko, Kim, Hansung, Kitahara, Itaru Proceedings of The 3rd IEEE Workshop on Human-in-the-loop Methods and Human Machine Collaboration in BigData (IEEE HMData 2019) 4632 - 4637 (2019)
  7. Clustering Method of 3D Point Cloud of Muck-Pile Based on Connectivity of Adjacent Surface Shishido, Hidehiko, Wanzhi, Zha, Jang, Hyongdoo, Kawamura, Youhei, Kameda, Yoshinari, Kitahara, Itaru Proceedings of 2019 IEEE 8th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2019) 796 - 800 (2019)
  8. Calibration of Multiple Sparsely Distributed Cameras Using a Mobile Camera”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Shishido, Hidehiko, Kitahara, Itaru Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology 234 (1) 37 - 48 (2019)
  9. アンコール遺跡群における地衣類の時系列変化画像の重畳 宍戸, 英彦, 河﨑, 衣美, 川村, 洋平, 松井, 敏也, 北原, 格 月刊考古学ジャーナル (730) 29 - 33 (2019)
  10. Smooth Switching Method for Asynchronous Multiple Viewpoint Videos Using Frame Interpolation Shishido, Hidehiko, Harazaki, Aoi, Kameda, Yoshinari, Kitahara, Itaru International Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 62 68 - 76 (2019)

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