德田 慶太 / Tokuda, Keita
システム情報系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems
論文 / Publication
- Chaos may enhance expressivity in cerebellar granular layer Keita Tokuda, Naoya Fujiwara, Akihito Sudo, Yuichi Katori 136 72 - 86 (2021)
- Evaluation of Mental Calculation Educational System with Invisible Abacus Keita Tokuda, Yasunobu Hashimoto, Chika Yamauchi, Keiko Iwasa, Kazuki Yoshida, Naoya Fujiwara, Akihito Sudo (2020)
- Prediction of student performance in abacus-based calculation using matrix factorization Keita Tokuda, David Kaschub, Takuma Ota, Yasunobu Hashimoto, Naoya Fujiwara, Akihito Sudo workshop at the 28th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, ACM UMAP 2020 (2020)
- A Novel Method to Estimate Long-Term Chronological Changes From Fragmented Observations in Disease Progression. Ishida T, Tokuda K, Hisaka A, Honma M, Kijima S, Takatoku H, Iwatsubo T, Moritoyo T, Suzuki H, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics 105 (2) 436 - 447 (2019)
- Chaotic dynamics as a mechanism of rapid transition of hippocampal local field activity between theta and non-theta states Keita Tokuda, Yuichi Katori, Kazuyuki Aihara Chaos 29 (113115) (2019)
- A Computational Concept Invention Model Represented by Time‐varying Semantic Network and Its Implementation Akihito Sudo, Naoya Fujiwara, Keita Tokuda, Hidehito Honda, Kazuhiro Ueda Cognitive Studies: Bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society 24 (1) 33 - 51 (2017)
- Hippocampal State-Dependent Behavioral Reflex to an Identical Sensory Input in Rats Keita Tokuda, Michimasa Nishikawa, Shigenori Kawahara 9 (11) e112927 (2014)
- Modeling state transition of hippocampal local field potential between theta rhythm and large irregular amplitude activity by bifurcation between a limit cycle and chaotic dynamics K. Tokuda, Y. Katori, K. Aihara 1510 134 - 137 (2013)
- 大規模カオスニューラルネットワークの並列シミュレーション 奥牧人, 岩山幸治, 徳田慶太, 鈴木秀幸, 合原一幸 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 109 (269(NLP2009 81-125)) 55 - 59 (2009)
- Modulation of Memory Retrieval by Spike Train Input with Temporal Pattern Keita Tokuda, Kazuyuki Aihara Proceedings of the 2009 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications 588 - 591 (2009)
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知財 / Intellectual properties
- 特願2016-234794 : 情報処理装置、情報処理方法、及びプログラム 須藤 明人, 藤原 直哉, 徳田 慶太, 本田 秀仁, 植田 一博
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