西澤 宏晃 / Nishizawa, Hiroaki 2025年3月現在、筑波大学が主たる所属機関ではありません
筑波大学 計算科学研究センター 助教 / Assistant Professor, Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba
関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE
論文 / Publication
- Temperature–pressure shuffling outlier flooding method enhances the conformational sampling of proteins Ryuhei Harada, Ryunosuke Yoshino, Hiroaki Nishizawa, Yasuteru Shigeta Journal of Computational Chemistory 40 (15) 1530 - 1537 (2019)
- Quantum chemical approach for positron annihilation spectra of atoms and molecules beyond plane-wave approximation Yasuhiro Ikabata, Risa Aiba, Toru Iwanade, Hiroaki Nishizawa, Feng Wang, Hiromi Nakai 148 (18) 184110 (9 pages) (2018)
- Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulation to Understand Role of a Zinc Ion for Aggregation of Amyloid-β Peptides Hiroaki Nishizawa, Hisashi Okumura Journal of Computer Chemistry, Japan 17 (1) 76 - 79 (2018)
- Rapid QM/MM Approach for Biomolecular Systems under Periodic Boundary Conditions: Combination of the Density-Functional Tight-Binding Theory and Particle Mesh Ewald Method Hiroaki Nishizawa, Hisashi Okumura 37 (31) 2701 - 2711 (2016)
- Quantum Chemistry beyond Born-Oppenheimer Approximation on a Quantum Computer: A Simulated Phase Estimation Study Libor Veis, Jakub Visnak, Hiroaki Nishizawa, Hiromi Nakai, Jiri Pittner 116 (18) 1328 - 1336 (2016)
- Three pillars for achieving quantum mechanical molecular dynamics simulations of huge systems: Divide-and-conquer, density-functional tight-binding, and massively parallel computation Hiroaki Nishizawa, Yoshifumi Nishimura, Masato Kobayashi, Stephan Irle, Hiromi Nakai 37 (21) 1983 - 1992 (2016)
- Comparison of Replica-Permutation Molecular Dynamics Simulations with and without Detailed Balance Condition Hiroaki Nishizawa, Hisashi Okumura 84 (7) 074801 (6 Pages) (2015)
- 原子核の量子効果を考慮した高精度な分子理論の開発 西澤宏晃 早稲田大学 (2012)
- Development of the explicitly correlated Gaussian-nuclear orbital plus molecular orbital theory: Incorporation of electron-electron correlation Hiroaki Nishizawa, Yutaka Imamura, Yasuhiro Ikabata, Hiromi Nakai 533 (23) 100 - 105 (2012)
- Evaluation of electron repulsion integral of the explicitly correlated Gaussian-nuclear orbital plus molecular orbital theory Hiroaki Nishizawa, Minoru Hoshino, Yutaka Imamura, Hiromi Nakai 521 (10) 142 - 149 (2012)
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