金谷 優 / Kanetani, Masaru
人文社会系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
論文 / Publication
- Review of Johnson, Mark (2017) Embodied Mind, Meaning, and Reason: How Our Bodies Give Rise to Understanding Kanetani,Masaru English Linguistics 37 (1) 80 - 89 (2020)
- 破格構文・周辺的現象から見える言語の一般的特性 金谷, 優, 三野貴志, 辻早代加, 住 JELS(日本英語学会研究発表論文集) 37 156 - 159 (2020)
- The Because X Consturction: Not Constructionalized Yet? Kanetani,Masaru JELS 35 245 - 251 (2018)
- A Note on the Because X Construction: With Special Reference to the X-Element Kanetani,Masaru 文藝言語研究言語篇 70 67 - 79 (2016)
- On the New Usage of Because Kanetani,Masaru 文藝言語研究:言語篇 68 63 - 80 (2015)
- The "Marginal Acceptability" of Noun Phrase Modification by an Adverb Clause Kanetani,Masaru 文藝言語研究言語篇 66 21 - 34 (2014)
- Noun Phrase Modifications by Adverb Clauses Kanetani,Masaru 文芸言語研究 言語篇 64 41 - 58 (2013)
- Review: Construction Morphology by Geert Booij (2010). 金谷, 優 Studies in English Literature [English Number] 54 139 - 146 (2013)
- 副詞節による名詞句の修飾 金谷, 優 英語語法文法研究 19 114 - 128 (2012)
- Another Look at the Metalnguistic Because-Clause Construction 金谷, 優 Tsukuba English Studies 31 1 - 18 (2012)
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