柴田 靖 / Shibata, Yasushi

医学医療系 教授 / Professor, Faculty of Medicine


論文 / Publication

  1. 外傷を契機に硬膜下水腫血腫を合併したくも膜のう胞 柴田, 靖, 益子良太 CI研究 (2020)
  2. 一次性頭痛に対する後頭部C2末梢神経野鍼通電療法 柴田, 靖, 鮎澤 聡, 松下 明, 石山 すみれ 日本頭痛学会誌 47 32 - 34 (2020)
  3. 天候で悪化する頭痛の要因と五苓散の効果の解析 柴田, 靖, 石山すみれ 脳神経外科と漢方 6 26 - 32 (2020)
  4. The Termination of Bilateral Posterior Communicating Arteries at the Basilar Top Shibata,Yasushi International Journal of Radiology 7 (1) 251 - 252 (2020)
  5. Delayed traumatic intracerebral hematoma presenting as cortical deafness: case report. Shibata, Yasushi Heliyon 6 (2) e03443 (2020)
  6. Post-traumatic headache: magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging analysis Shibata, Yasushi, Ishiyama, Sumire CEPHALALGIA 39 (1:SI) 318 - 318 (2019)
  7. Neuromodulation by electroacupuncture for migraine: An analysis using resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging Ishiyama, Sumire, Shibata, Yasushi, Ayuzawa, Satoshi, Matsushita, Akira, Matsumura, Akira CEPHALALGIA 39 (1:SI) 178 - 178 (2019)
  8. Olfactory Hallucination in Association with Migrane: A Three-Case Series Shibata,Yasushi Research on Clinical Case Reports and Studies 1 102 - 103 (2019)
  9. Persistent post-craniotomy headache:A three-case series Shibata,Yasushi Interdisciplinary Neurosugery 19 100598 - 100601 (2019)
  10. A magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging analysis of post-traumatic headache Shibata, Yasushi, Ishiyama, Sumire BRAIN INJURY 33 (1) 52 - 52 (2019)

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