稲垣 祐司 / Inagaki, Yuji

計算科学研究センター 教授 / Professor, Center for Computational Sciences

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

A new model for studying organelle formation
Proposal of a twin aarginine translocator system-mediated constraint against loss of ATP synthase genes from nonphotosynthetic plastid genomes
#032:真核生物の起源を辿る 計算科学で埋めていく進化のパズルのピース
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ミトコンドリア・葉緑体に次ぐ第三の共生オルガネラか? ~“光合成しない”光合成細菌のゲノム解読に成功~


論文 / Publication

  1. Phage origin of mitochondrion-localized family A DNA polymerases in kinetoplastids and diplonemids. Ryo, Harada, Inagaki, Yuji Genome Biology and Evolution (2021)
  2. Experimental analysis of diurnal variations in humic-like fluorescent dissolved organic matters in surface seawater. Omori, Yuko, Saeki, AKira, Wada, Shigeki, Inagaki, Yuji, Hama, Takeo Frontiers in Marine Science 7 589064 (2020)
  3. Barthelonids represent a deep-branching matamonad clade with mitochondrion-related organelles predicted to generate no ATP. Euki, Yazaki, Kume, Keitaro, Takashi, Shiratori, Yana, Eglit, Goro, Tanifuji, Ryo, Harada, Alastair, Simpson, Ken-ichiro, Ishida, Tetsuo, Hashimoto, Inagaki, Yuji Proceedings of the Royal Society B (2020)
  4. Putative genome features of relic green alga-derived nuclei in dinoflagellates and future perspectives as model organisms Takuro Nakayama, Kazuya Takahashi, Ryoma Kamikawa, Mitsunori Iwataki, Yuji Inagaki, Goro Tanifuji 13 (1) 84 - 88 (2020)
  5. Mitochondrial genomes of Hemiarma marina and Leucocryptos marina revised the evolution of cytochrome c maturation in Cryptista. Yuki Nishimura, Keitaro Kume, Keito Sonehara, Goro Tanifuji, Takashi Shiratori, Ken-ichiro Ishida, Tetsuo Hashimoto, Yuji Inagaki, Moriya Ohkuma Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (2020)
  6. Inventory and evolution of mitochondrion-localized family A DNA polymerases in Euglenozoa. Ryo Harada, Yoshihisa Hirakawa, Akinori Yabuki, Yuichiro Kashiyama, Moe Maruyama, Ryo Onuma, Petr Soukal, Shinya Miyagishima, Vladimir Hampl, Goro Tanifuji, Yuji Inagaki (2020)
  7. Dinoflagellates with relic endosymbiont nuclei as models for elucidating organellogenesis. Chihiro Sarai, Goro Tanifuji, Takuro Nakayama, Ryoma Kamikawa, Kazuya Takahashi, Euki Yazaki, Eriko Matsuo, Hideaki Miyashita, Ken-ichro Ishida, Mitsunori Iwataki, Yuji Inagaki 117 (10) 5364 - 5375 (2020)
  8. Comparative plastid genomics of Cryptomonas species reveals fine-scale genomic responses to loss of photosynthesis. Tanifuji, Goro, Kamikawa, Ryoma, Moore, Christa E, Mills, Tyler, Onodera, Naoko T, Kashiyama, Yuichiro, Archibald, John M, Inagaki, Yuji, Hashimoto, Tetsuo Genome Biology and Evolution 12 (2) 3926 - 3937 (2020)
  9. Large DNA virus promoted the endosymbiotic evolution to make a photosynthetic eukaryote Matsuo, Mitsuhiro, Katahata, Atsushi, Tchikawa, Makoto, Minakuchi, Yohei, Noguchi, Hideki, Toyoda, Atsushi, Fujiyama, Asao, Suzuki, Yutaka, Hata, Takayuki, Satoh, Soichirou, Nakayama, Takuro, Kamkawa, Ryoma, Nomura, Mami, Inagaki, Yuji, Ishida, Ken-ichiro, Obokata, Junichi bioRχiv (2019)
  10. Single-cell genomics unveiled a cryptic cyanobacterial lineage with a worldwide distribution hidden by a dinoflagellate host Takuro, Nakayama, Mami, Nomura, Yoshihito, Takano, Tanifuji, Goro, Kogiku, Shiba, Kazuo, Inaba, Inagaki, Yuji, Masakado, Kawata Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America 116 (32) 15973 - 15978 (2019)

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