小島 道生 / Kojima, Michio

人間系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences


論文 / Publication

  1. Correlations between Syntactic Development and Verbal Memory in the Spoken Language of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Down Syndrome: Comparison with Typically Developing Children Koizumi, Manami, Maeda, Mariko, Saitou, Yuko, Kojima, Michio Psychology 11 1091 - 1107 (2020)
  2. Preliminary Study on Verb Acquisition Status and Related Factors in Children with Down syndrome Okamiya, Haruna, Kojima, Michio Asian Journal of Human Services 18 81 - 91 (2020)
  3. 交流及び共同学習に関する実践的研究(5)‐活動内容に対する生徒の評価‐ 小島, 道生, 下山直人, 濱本悟志, 雷坂浩之, 小林美智子, 茂呂雄二 筑波大学学校教育論集 42 1 - 8 (2020)
  4. 共同生活型交流及び共同学習の成果と課題②‐三浦海岸共同生活における引率教員の評価から‐ 堀口康太, 小島, 道生, 下山直人, 小林美智子, 濱本悟志, 茂呂雄二 筑波大学学校教育論集 42 9 - 16 (2020)
  5. Subjective well-being of people with ASD in Japan Kojima,Michio Advances in Autism 6 (2) 129 - 138 (2020)
  6. Trends and Issues in Self-Esteem of Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorders Ogawa,Shuhei, Kojima, Michio Journal of Special Education Research 8 (2) 63 - 77 (2020)
  7. Syntactic development in children with intellectual disabilities-Using structured assessment of syntax- Koizmi Manami, Saitou, Yuuko, Michio, Kojima Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 63 (12) 1428 - 1440 (2019)
  8. Contingencies of self-worth in adolescents with ASD and their correlation with subjective adjustment to school Ogawa, Shuhei, Kojima, Michio Advances in Autism 6 (1) 63 - 71 (2019)
  9. 特別支援教育と教育現場 内面世界の育ちを支えるために 小島,道生 教育と医学 18 - 24 (2019)
  10. 発達障害のある子どもの“適切な”自己理解を育てる支援の在り方とは 小島,道生 月刊実践障害児教育 10 - 11 (2019)

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