増岡 彰 / Masuoka, Akira
数理物質系 教授 / Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences
論文 / Publication
- On the notion of Krull super-dimension Masuoka, A, Zubkov, A. N JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED ALGEBRA 224 (5) (2020)
- Simple modules over finite quantum groups and their Drinfel'd doubles 増岡,彰 Proceedings of the meeting for study of number theory, Hopf algebras and related topics 81 - 104 (2019)
- On functor points of affine supergroups Akira Masuoka, Taiki Shibata 503 534 - 572 (2018)
- Solvability and nilpotency for algebraic supergroups Akira Masuoka, Alexandr N. Zubkov 221 (2) 339 - 365 (2017)
- The Noether problem for Hopf algebras Christian Kassel, Akira Masuoka 10 (2) 405 - 428 (2016)
- Handlebody-knot invariants derived from unimodular Hopf algebras Atsushi Ishii, Akira Masuoka 23 (7) (2014)
- x(R)-BIALGEBRAS ASSOCIATED WITH ITERATIVE q-DIFFERENCE RINGS Akira Masuoka, Makoto Yanagawa 24 (4) 1350030 (2013)
- Harish-Chandra pairs for algebraic affine supergroup schemes over an arbitrary field Akira Masuoka 17 (4) 1085 - 1121 (2012)
- Twisting algebras using non-commutative torsors: explicit computations Pierre Guillot, Christian Kassel, Akira Masuoka 271 (3-4) 789 - 818 (2012)
- Quotient sheaves of algebraic supergroups are superschemes Akira Masuoka, Alexandr N. Zubkov 348 (1) 135 - 170 (2011)
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