渡部 宏樹 / Watabe, Kohki

人文社会系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


論文 / Publication

  1. Interpretative Negotiation with Gender Norms in Shōjo Manga Adaptations of The Changelings Oshiyama, Michiko, Watabe, Kohki Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance 12 (3) 179 - 193 (2019)
  2. Cinematic Suture and Panoramic Stitch: Subject Formation in Immersive Virtual Reality Watabe,Kohki International Panorama Council Journal 1 59 - 65 (2018)
  3. Pixiv as a Contested Artistic Online Space in-between Gift and Commercial Economies in an Age of Participatory Culture Watabe, Kohki Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies 16 (3) (2016)

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