萬 礼応 / Yorozu, Ayanori
システム情報系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems
論文 / Publication
- Estimation of body direction based on gait for service robot applications Ayanori Yorozu, Masaki Takahashi 132 103603 - 103603 (2020)
- Human-friendly control system design for two-wheeled service robot with optimal control approach Shunichi Sekiguchi, Ayanori Yorozu, Kazuhiro Kuno, Masaki Okada, Yutaka Watanabe, Masaki Takahashi 131 103562 - 103562 (2020)
- Estimation of Vertical Ground Reaction Force Using Low-Cost Insole With Force Plate-Free Learning From Single Leg Stance and Walking. Ryo Eguchi, Ayanori Yorozu, Takahiko Fukumoto, Masaki Takahashi 24 (5) 1276 - 1283 (2020)
- Evaluation of a Multi-Robot Cafe based on Service Quality Dimensions Takeshi Morita, Naho Kashiwagi, Ayanori Yorozu, Hideo Suzuki, Takahira Yamaguchi The Review of Socionetwork Strategies 14 (1) 55 - 76 (2020)
- Hip abductor muscle weakness and slowed turning motion in people with knee osteoarthritis Hirotaka Iijima, Ayanori Yorozu, Yusuke Suzuki, Ryo Eguchi, Tomoki Aoyama, Masaki Takahashi 101 109652 - 109652 (2020)
- Multimodal path planning using potential field for human–robot interaction Kawasaki, Y., Yorozu, A., Takahashi, M. 867 597 - 609 (2019)
- Nonlinear model predictive control for two-wheeled service robots Sekiguchi, S., Yorozu, A., Kuno, K., Okada, M., Watanabe, Y., Takahashi, M. 867 452 - 463 (2019)
- Service robot using estimation of body direction based on gait for human-robot interaction Yorozu, A., Takahashi, M. 867 199 - 209 (2019)
- Milp-based dual-arm motion planning considering shared transfer path for pick-up and place Kurosu, J., Yorozu, A., Takahashi, M. 867 67 - 77 (2019)
- Spatiotemporal and Kinetic Gait Analysis System Based on Multisensor Fusion of Laser Range Sensor and Instrumented Insoles. Ryo Eguchi, Ayanori Yorozu, Masaki Takahashi 4876 - 4881 (2019)
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