五十嵐 岳 / Igarashi, Gaku 2025年3月現在、筑波大学が主たる所属機関ではありません
筑波大学 システム情報系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, University of Tsukuba
論文 / Publication
- Higher-order bias corrections for kernel type density estimators on the unit or semi-infinite interval Igarashi, Gaku, Kakizawa, Yoshihide JOURNAL OF NONPARAMETRIC STATISTICS 32 (3) 617 - 647 (2020)
- Nonparametric direct density ratio estimation using beta kernel Igarashi, Gaku Statistics 54 (2) 257 - 280 (2020)
- Multiplicative bias correction for asymmetric kernel density estimators revisited Igarashi, Gaku, Kakizawa, Yoshihide Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 141 40 - 61 (2020)
- Limiting bias-reduced Amoroso kernel density estimators for non-negative data Igarashi, Gaku, Kakizawa, Yoshihide Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 47 (20) 4905 - 4937 (2018)
- Generalised gamma kernel density estimation for nonnegative data and its bias reduction Igarashi, Gaku, Kakizawa, Yoshihide Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 30 (3) 598 - 639 (2018)
- Multivariate Density Estimation Using a Multivariate Weighted Log-Normal Kernel Gaku Igarashi 80 (2) 1 - 20 (2018)
- Inverse gamma kernel density estimation for nonnegative data Yoshihide Kakizawa, Gaku IgaraShi 46 (2) 194 - 207 (2017)
- Bias reductions for beta kernel estimation Gaku Igarashi 28 (1) 1 - 30 (2016)
- Weighted log-normal kernel density estimation Gaku Igarashi 45 (22) 6670 - 6687 (2016)
- Bias corrections for some asymmetric kernel estimators Gaku Igarashi, Yoshihide Kakizawa 159 37 - 63 (2015)
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発行:筑波大学 URA研究戦略推進室・研究推進部
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