高野 祐一 / Takano, Yuichi

システム情報系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

ビジネスサイエンス系-シンガポール国立大学 IORA 共催 国際共同ワークショップ(2021.3.14-15) NUS-Tsukuba Joint-Online-Workshop on “Sustainable Management and Data Sciences” March 14th & 15th, 2021


論文 / Publication

  1. Best subset selection via cross-validation criterion Takano, Yuichi, Miyashiro, Ryuhei TOP: An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research 28 (2) 475 - 488 (2020)
  2. A branch-and-cut algorithm for solving mixed-integer semidefinite optimization problems Kobayashi, Ken, Takano, Yuichi Computational Optimization and Applications 75 (2) 493 - 513 (2020)
  3. Estimating product-choice probabilities from sequences of page views Nishimura, Naoki, Sukegawa, Noriyoshi, Takano, Yuichi, Iwanaga, Jiro Proceedings of the 2019 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications (NOLTA 2019) 25 - 28 (2019)
  4. Investigating consumers' store-choice behavior via hierarchical variable selection Sato, Toshiki, Takano, Yuichi, Nakahara, Takanobu ADVANCES IN DATA ANALYSIS AND CLASSIFICATION 13 (3) 621 - 639 (2019)
  5. Improving collaborative filtering recommendations by estimating user preferences from clickstream data Iwanaga, Jiro, Nishimura, Naoki, Sukegawa, Noriyoshi, Takano, Yuichi Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 37 (100877) (2019)
  6. ラストマイル・モビリティシェアリング ―シナリオモデルに基づく運用計画案の作成― 高橋, 直希, 高野, 祐一, 吉瀬, 章子 オペレーションズ・リサーチ 68 (8) 453 - 459 (2019)
  7. Feature Subset Selection for Ordered Logit Model via Tangent-Plane-based Approximation Naganuma, Mizuho, Takano, Yuichi, Miyashiro, Ryuhei IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems 102 (5) 1046 - 1053 (2019)
  8. Feature Subset Selection for the Multinomial Logit Model via Mixed-Integer Optimization Kamiya, Shunsuke, Miyashiro, Ryuhei, Takano, Yuichi Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2019) 1254 - 1263 (2019)
  9. LDPC符号に対するタブー探索法に基づく勾配降下ビット反転復号法 高橋, 良介, 高野, 祐一 情報科学研究 39 51 - 59 (2019)
  10. Mixed integer quadratic optimization formulations for eliminating multicollinearity based on variance inflation factor Tamura, Ryuta, Kobayashi, Ken, Takano, Yuichi, Miyashiro, Ryuhei, Nakata, Kazuhide, Matsui, Tomomi JOURNAL OF GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION 73 (2) 431 - 446 (2019)

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