Heselhaus, Geva Herrad / Heselhaus,, Geva Herrad

人文社会系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


論文 / Publication

  1. Der Fremde - Elfriede Jelinek und Nicolas Mahler Heselhaus,,Geva Herrad (筑波大学)文芸言語研究 78 1 - 10 (2020)
  2. Babel, Bibel, Zwiebel. Von biblischen Entstellungen und animalischen Biotopen. Yoko Tawada trifft Jacques Derrida Heselhaus,,Geva Herrad Neue Beitraege zur Germanistik. International Edition 161 1 - 27 (2020)
  3. The Impact of Refugee Migration on Germany's Aging Society: A Gerontological Critique Heselhaus,,Geva Herrad 地域研究 筑波大学 (40) 13 - 1 (2019)
  4. Von literarischer Freiheit. Sherko Fatahs Kampf gegen biografische Festschreibung Heselhaus,,Geva Herrad 日本独文学会研究叢書 158 18 - 1 (2019)
  5. The Temporality of Anti-Aging. A Short History of the Fight Against Time Heselhaus,,Geva Herrad 筑波大学地域学研究 39 109 - 122 (2018)
  6. Growing Old in Europe. Antonio Tabucchi’s "Bucharest Hasn’t Changed a Bit" Heselhaus,,Geva Herrad 文藝言語研究. 文藝篇 71 107 - 132 (2017)
  7. The Last Educator. Knowledge and Resilience in Adalbert Stifter’s "Bunte Steine” Heselhaus,,Geva Herrad American Literature Society of the University of Tsukuba and the Lynxx 26 (2017)
  8. Transnationale Elemente im Fluechtlingsroman Heselhaus,,Geva Herrad 文藝言語研究. 文藝篇 (72) (2017)
  9. Literature after Fukushima. A Comparison between German and Japanese Approaches Heselhaus,,Geva Herrad ICLA Proceedings (International Comparative Literature Association) 2013, Sorbonne (Paris) (2016)
  10. From Thick to Quick Translation: The Translator as Reader in Times of Globalisation Heselhaus,,Geva Herrad 筑波大学 文藝言語研究 (文藝編) 70 13 - 40 (2016)

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