阿部 淳一ピーター / Abe, Junichi P.

生命環境系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences


論文 / Publication

  1. A new species of Leptobacillim, L. symbioticum, isolated from mites and sori of soybean rust Okane, Izumi, Nonaka, Kenichi, Kurihara, Yuko, Abe, Junichi P, Yamaoka, Yuichi Mycoscience 61 (4) 165 - 171 (2020)
  2. Three new species in the genus Tulasnella isolated from orchid mycorrhiza of Spiranthes sinensis var. amoena (Orchidaceae) Fujimori, Shohei, Abe, Junichi P, Okane, Izumi, Yamaoka, Yuichi MYCOSCIENCE 60 (1) 71 - 81 (2019)
  3. Cs-137 concentrations in foliose lichens within Tsukuba-city as a reflection of radioactive fallout from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident Yoshihito Ohmura, Kimiyo Matsukura, Jun-ichi P. Abe, Kentaro Hosaka, Masanori Tamaoki, Terumi Dohi, Makoto Kakishima, Mark R. D. Seaward 141 38 - 43 (2015)
  4. Rust fungi (Pucciniales) forming the Aecidium state on Meliosma (Meliosmaceae) in Asia Ono,Yoshitaka, Unartngam,J, Ayawong,C, Abe,Junishi Peter, Okane,Izumi Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Ibaraki University (Natural Sciences) 64 1 - 9 (2015)
  5. Puccinia galiiuniversa, a new caricicolous rust fungus systemically inhabiting Galium aparine in its spermogonial-aecial stage Izumi Okane, Yuichi Yamaoka, Makoto Kakishima, Junichi Peter Abe, Kazuo Obata 55 (2) 89 - 97 (2014)
  6. Activity concentrations of radionuclides in lichens following the Fukushima nuclear accident Yoshihito Ohmura, Kentaro Hosaka, Taiga Kasuya, Junichi P. Abe, Makoto Kakishima 45 (5) 685 - 689 (2013)
  7. アルカリグラス(Puccinellia airoides)の発芽時および初期生育におけるアルカリ耐性の発現 Zhang,,X, Shimizu,,K, Abe,Junichi P, Nomura,,K 沙漠研究 : 日本沙漠学会誌 23 (1) 13 - 18 (2013)
  8. サツキツツジもち病罹病葉の放射性セシウムの蓄積について 阿部,淳一, 保坂健太郎, 大村嘉人, 柿嶌眞 日本菌学会第57回大会講演会要旨集 34 - 34 (2013)
  9. ヤエムグラとヤガミスゲの間を異種寄生するPuccinia属菌の1種 岡根 泉, 山岡裕一, 柿嶌眞, 阿部,淳一, 小幡和男 日本菌学会第57回大会講演会要旨集 57 - 57 (2013)
  10. 夏咲きネジバナのラン型菌根から分離したEpulorhiza属の未記載種について 藤森祥平, 阿部,淳一, 山岡裕一 日本菌学会第57回大会講演会要旨集 44 - 44 (2013)

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