阿部 吉樹 / Abe, Yoshiki

医学医療系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine


論文 / Publication

  1. The role of illness schemata in self-care behaviors and glycemic control among patients with type 2 diabetes in Iran Shibayama, Taiga, Tanha, Somayeh, Abe, Yoshiki, Haginoya, Hiromi, Rajab, Asadollah, Hidaka, Kikue Primary care diabetes 13 (5) 474 - 480 (2019)
  2. The role of illness schemata in self-care behaviors and glycemic control among patients with type 2 diabetes in Iran Shibayama, Taiga, Tanha, Somayeh, Abe, Yoshiki, Haginoya, Hiromi, Rajab, Asadollah, Hidaka, Kikue Primary care diabetes (2019)
  3. 要支援・軽度要介護高齢者の主観的QOLと高次生活機能の関連要因の検討 中村, 勝喜, 阿部, 吉樹, 柴山, 大賀, 日高, 紀久江 日本老年医学会雑誌 55 (2) 276 - 283 (2018)
  4. Attitude of outpatients with neuromuscular diseases in Japan to pain and use of analgesics Yoshiki Abe, Mitsunori Miyashita, Naomi To, Yuki Shirai, Yoshio Momose, Yaeko Ichikawa, Sholl Tsuli, Kelko Kazuma 267 (1-2) 22 - 27 (2008)
  5. Preventive behavior in adult offspring of type2 diabetes patients and its relationship with parental advice Nishigaki, M, Kobayashi, K, Abe, Y, Seki, N, Yokomura, T, Yokoyama, M, Kazuma, K Diabet Med 25 1343-8 (2008)

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