BUSHNELL CADE CONLAN / Bushnell, Cade Conlan

人文社会系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


論文 / Publication

  1. A Decade of Japanese Language Courses for English Medium Majors Vanbaelen, Ruth, Bushnell, Cade 日本語教育論集 (35) 55 - 71 (2020)
  2. そこ、笑うとこ ― 留学生向けの落語会における観客による笑いの会話分析 BUSHNELL,CADE CONLAN 笑い学研究 24 17 - 32 (2017)
  3. Talking the talk: The interactional construction of community and identity at conversation analytic data sessions in Japan Bushnell, Cade Human Studies (35) 583-605 (2012)
  4. Identifying identity: Identity as an interactional construct, and some relations to second language learning Bushnell, Cade 筑波大学地域研究 (32) 157-182 (2011)
  5. Interactionally constructing practice, community, shared resources, and identity: An ethnomethodological analysis of interactions at conversation analytic data sessions in Japan Bushnell, Cade Doctoral dissertation 416 (2011)
  6. Lego my keego!’: An analysis of language play in a beginning Japanese as a foreign language classroom Bushnell, Cade Applied Linguistics 1 (30) 49-69 (2009)
  7. On NS/NNS identities and ‘warrantability’: The interactional co-authorship of an occasioned medium by a first and second language speaker of Japanese Bushnell, Cade Second Language Studies 1 (28) 1-31 (2009)
  8. Getting let in: The role of learner agency in gaining access to affordances in an intermediate JFL classroom Bushnell, Cade 日本語用論学会第10回大会発表論文集 (3) 185-192 (2008)
  9. 学習者が満足できる漢字教育とは何か:漢字・非漢字系学習者が混在している教室の場合 ブッシュネル・ケード 筑波大学地域研究研究科平成15年度日本語教育実習報告論文集 (15) 65-80 (2004)

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