柴田 愛 / Shibata, Ai
体育系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences
関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE
論文 / Publication
- Local‐Area Walkability and Socioeconomic Disparities of Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in Japan Mohammad Javad Koohsari, Tomoki Nakaya, Tomoya Hanibuchi, Ai Shibata, Kaori Ishii, Takemi Sugiyama, Neville Owen, Koichiro Oka Journal of the American Heart Association (2020)
- Accelerometer-Measured Diurnal Patterns of Sedentary Behavior among Japanese Workers: A Descriptive Epidemiological Study Kurosawa, S, Shibata, A, Ishii, K, Koohsari, M. J, Oka, K 17 (11) 3814 (2020)
- Joint Associations of Leisure Screen Time and Physical Activity with Academic Performance in a Sample of Japanese Children. Kaori Ishii, Kenryu Aoyagi, Ai Shibata, Mohammad Javad Koohsari, Alison Carver, Koichiro Oka 17 (3) (2020)
- Dog-walking in dense compact areas: The role of neighbourhood built environment. Mohammad Javad Koohsari, Tomoki Nakaya, Gavin R McCormack, Ai Shibata, Kaori Ishii, Akitomo Yasunaga, Yung Liao, Koichiro Oka 102242 - 102242 (2019)
- Social-ecological correlates of accelerometer-measured occupational sitting among Japanese desk-based workers Kurita, S, Shibata, A, Ishii, K, Koohsari, M. J, Oka, K BMC Public Health 19 1489 (2019)
- Cognitive Function of Elderly Persons in Japanese Neighborhoods: The Role of Street Layout. Mohammad Javad Koohsari, Tomoki Nakaya, Gavin R McCormack, Ai Shibata, Kaori Ishii, Akitomo Yasunaga, Koichiro Oka 34 (6) 381 - 389 (2019)
- Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Assessment: A Laboratory-Based Evaluation of Agreement between Commonly Used ActiGraph and Omron Accelerometers Yano, S, Koohsari, M. J, Shibata, A, Ishii, K, Frehlich, L, McCormack, G, Oka, K International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health 16 (17) (2019)
- Assessing Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior under Free-Living Conditions: Comparison of Active Style Pro HJA-350IT and ActiGraphTM GT3X+ Yano, S, Koohsari, M. J, Shibata, A, Ishii, K, Mavoa, S, Oka, K International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health 16 (17) (2019)
- 高齢者の座りすぎ その実態、健康影響および是正対策 岡 浩一朗, 柴田 愛, 石井 香織, 安永 明智, 宮脇 梨奈, 荒木 邦子, Javad Koohsari 介護予防・健康づくり 6 (1) 5 - 9 (2019)
- Comparison of Older and Newer Generation Active Style Pro Accelerometers in Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Surveillance under a Free-Living Environment Yano, S, Koohsari, M. J, Shibata, A, Ishii, K, Frehlich, L, McCormack, G, Oka, K International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health 16 1597 (2019)
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