岩井 宏暁 / Iwai, Hiroaki

生命環境系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

Down-regulation of UDP-arabinopyranose mutase reduces the proportion of arabinofuranose present in rice cell walls
柔らかいメチル化ペクチンが花粉管の通り道を作る ~植物の種子ができるための重要な仕組みを解明~
イネがアルミニウム毒性に強い理由を解明 〜根から分泌されるペクチンが毒性を緩和する〜
Explore the life principles of whole organisms


論文 / Publication

  1. Cell wall Glycine-rich Protein2 is involved in tapetal differentiation and pollen maturation Takebe, Naomi, Nakamura, Atsuko, Watanabe, Tomomi, Miyashita, Aya, Satoh, Shinobu, Iwai, Hiroaki Journal of plant research 133 883 - 895 (2020)
  2. Rice Putative Methyltransferase Gene Is Required for Pistil Development Involving Pectin Modification Hasegawa, Kazuya, Kamada, Shihomi, Takehara, Shohei, Takeuchi, Haruki, Nakamura, Atsuko, Satoh, Shinobu, Iwai, Hiroaki Frontiers in plant science 11 475 (2020)
  3. Changes in the Distribution of Pectin in Root Border Cells Under Aluminum Stress Nagayama, Teruki, NAKAMURA, Atsuko, Yamaji, Naoki, Satoh, Shinobu, Furukawa, Jun, Iwai, Hiroaki Frontiers in Plant Science 10 1216 (2019)
  4. UDP-arabinopyranose mutase gene expressions are required for the biosynthesis of the arabinose side chain of both pectin and arabinoxyloglucan, and normal leaf expansion in Nicotiana tabacum Honta, Hideyuki, Inamura, Takuya, Konishi, Teruko, Satoh, Shinobu, Iwai, Hiroaki Journal of plant research 131 (2) 307 - 317 (2018)
  5. Characterization of xylan in the early stages of secondary cell wall formation in tobacco bright yellow-2 cells. Tadashi Ishii, Keita Matsuoka, Hiroshi Ono, Mayumi Ohnishi-Kameyama, Katsuro Yaoi, Yoshimi Nakano, Misato Ohtani, Taku Demura, Hiroaki Iwai, Shinobu Satoh 176 381 - 391 (2017)
  6. Identification of a xylem sap germin-like protein and its expression under short-day and non-freezing low-temperature conditions in poplar root Tsutomu Aohara, Hiroaki Mizuno, Daiki Kiyomichi, Yuta Abe, Kaoru Matsuki, Keiko Sagawa, Hitoshi Mori, Hiroaki Iwai, Jun Furukawa, Shinobu Satoh 33 (2) 123 - 127 (2016)
  7. The AMOR Arabinogalactan Sugar Chain Induces Pollen-Tube Competency to Respond to Ovular Guidance. Akane G Mizukami, Rie Inatsugi, Jiao Jiao, Toshihisa Kotake, Keiko Kuwata, Kento Ootani, Satohiro Okuda, Subramanian Sankaranarayanan, Yoshikatsu Sato, Daisuke Maruyama, Hiroaki Iwai, Estelle Garénaux, Chihiro Sato, Ken Kitajima, Yoichi Tsumuraya, Hitoshi Mori, Junichiro Yamaguchi, Kenichiro Itami, Narie Sasaki, Tetsuya Higashiyama 26 (8) 1091 - 7 (2016)
  8. Immunogold labeling analysis of cell wall polysaccharides with special reference to (1;3, 1;4)-β-D-glucan in rice cell walls R.,Yokoyama, N.,Kido, T.,Yamamoto, J.,Furukawa, H.,Iwai, Satoh,Shinobu, K.,Nishitani Bio-protocol 6 (5) e1748 (2016)
  9. 植物由来のキシラン分解酵素遺伝子を用いた細胞壁改変によるバイオ燃料生産に適した高セルロース含量イネの作出と解析 Iwai,Hiroaki 応用糖質科学 6 (2) 91 - 95 (2016)
  10. トマトの実を育む細胞壁の変化 Iwai,Hiroaki 生命誌ジャーナル (89) (2016)

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知財 / Intellectual properties

  1. 特願2004-243697号 : 植物の不稔形質に係わる遺伝子と該遺伝子を用いた不稔形質導入方法及び不稔植物の作出方法 佐藤忍, 岩井宏暁
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