辻村 清也 / Tsujimura, Seiya
数理物質系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences
関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE
論文 / Publication
- Extracellular electron transfer by Microcystis aeruginosa is solely driven by high pH Vieira Lemos, Rita, Tsujimura, Seiya, Ledezma, Pablo, Tokunou, Yoshihide, Okamoto, Akihiro, Freguia, Stefano Bioelectrochemistry (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 137 (2020)
- Toward an ideal platform structure based on MgO-templated carbon for flavin adenine dinucleotide-dependent glucose dehydrogenase-Os polymer-hydrogel electrodes Tsujimura, Seiya, Takeuchi, Satoshi ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA 343 (2020)
- Mediated electrochemical oxidation of glucose via poly(methylene green) grafted on the carbon surface catalyzed by flavin adenine dinucleotide-dependent glucose dehydrogenase Tsuruoka, Nozomu, Soto, Silvia Sato, Tahar, Awatef Ben, Zebda, Abdelkader, Tsujimura, Seiya Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces 192 (2020)
- Stable Immobilization of Enzyme on Pendant Glycidyl Group-Modified Mesoporous Carbon by Graft Polymerization of Poly(glycidyl methacrylate) Shitanda, Isao, Kato, Takanao, Suzuki, Ryo, Aikawa, Tatsuo, Hoshi, Yoshinao, Itagaki, Masayuki, Tsujimura, Seiya BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 93 (1) 32 - 36 (2020)
- 酵素型バイオ燃料電池の実現に向けた材料技術 辻村,清也 材料技術 37 153 - 158 (2019)
- 体液成分の自己駆動リアルタイムモニタリング 四反田功, 辻村, 清也 電気化学 87 (winter) 299 - 305 (2019)
- Effects of pore size and surface properties of MgO-templated carbon on the performance of bilirubin oxidase-modified oxygen reduction reaction cathode Tsujimura, Seiya, Oyama, Makiko, Funabashi, Hiroto, Ishii, Shuji ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA 322 (2019)
- Self-Powered Bioelectrochemical Nutrient Recovery for Fertilizer Generation from Human Urine Freguia, Stefano, Logrieco, Maddalena E, Monetti, Juliette, Ledezma, Pablo, Virdis, Bernardino, Tsujimura, Seiya SUSTAINABILITY 11 (19) (2019)
- Effects of electrolyte on the mediated electrocatalytic glucose oxidation reaction catalyzed by flavin adenine dinucleotide glucose dehydrogenase Adachi, Tsubasa, Tsujimura, Seiya ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA 313 189 - 193 (2019)
- One-year stability of glucose dehydrogenase confined in a 3D carbon nanotube electrode with coated poly-methylene green: Application as bioanode for a glucose biofuel cell Ben Tahar, A, Szymczyk, A, Tingry, S, Vadgama, P, Zelsmanne, M, Tsujumura, S, Cinquin, P, Martin, D, Zebda, A JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 847 (2019)
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