永野 幸一 / Nagano, Koichi

数理物質系 講師 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences


論文 / Publication

  1. Geodesically complete spaces with an upper curvature bound Lytchak, Alexander, Nagano, Koichi Geometric and Functional Analysis 29 (1) 295 - 342 (2019)
  2. Free construction of CAT(1) spaces Nagano, Koichi Archiv der Mathematik 88 173--180 (2007)
  3. Fixed point sets of parabolic isometries of CAT(0)-spaces Fujiwara, Koji, Nagano, Koichi, Shioya, Takashi Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 81 305--335 (2006)
  4. The asymptotic cones of manifolds of roughly non-negative radial curvature Mashiko, Yukihiro, Nagano, Koichi, Otsuka, Kazuo Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 57 55--68 (2005)
  5. A volume convergence theorem for Alexandrov spaces with curvature bounded above Nagano, Koichi Mathematisches Zeitschrift 241 127--163 (2002)
  6. A sphere theorem for 2-dimensional CAT(1)-spaces Nagano, Koichi Pacific Journal of Mathematics 206 401--423 (2002)
  7. Asymptotic rigidity of Hadamard 2-spaces Nagano, Koichi Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 52 699--723 (2000)

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