島田 雅晴 / Shimada, Masaharu
人文社会系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
論文 / Publication
- Relational Adjectives Used Predicatively (But Not Qualitatively): A Comparative-Structural Approach Shimada, Masaharu, Nagano, Akiko Lexique 23 62 - 89 (2018)
- Affix borrowing and structural borrowing in Japanese word-formation Nagano, Akiko, Shimada, Masaharu SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics 15 (2) 60 - 84 (2018)
- Use of English prepositions as Japanese predicates: A challenge to NLP 島田,雅晴, 長野明子 言語処理学会 第23回年次大会発表論文集 (2017)
- Miratives in Japanese the rise of mirative markers via grammaticalization Masaharu Shimada, Akiko Nagano 7 (1-2) 213 - 244 (2017)
- Translation of Prefix-like Elements in Medical English Shimada,Masaharu, Nagano,Akiko Białostockie Archiwum Językowe 15 365 - 382 (2016)
- 日英語を対象にしたMirativity研究:統語論・意味論・語用論の観点から 島田,雅晴, 五十嵐啓太, 本多正敏 JELS(日本英語学会研究発表論文集) 33 218 - 219 (2016)
- Priscianic Formation in Compounding and Upgrading as Stem-Formation Shimada,Masaharu, Nagano,Akiko, Okubo,Tatsuhiro Tsukuba English Studies 34 1 - 31 (2015)
- 動詞に関わる史的変化と言語タイプ 島田,雅晴 第87回大会Proceedings 186 - 187 (2015)
- Relational Adjectives (RAs) in Japanese and the RA vs. PP debate Nagano,Akiko, Shimada,Masaharu On-line Proceedings of the 9th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting 105 - 133 (2015)
- Morphological theory and orthography: Kanji as a representation of lexemes Akiko Nagano, Masaharu Shimada 50 (2) 323 - 364 (2014)
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