塩谷 真弘 / Shioya, Masahiro

数理物質系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences


論文 / Publication

  1. Local weak presaturation of the strongly non-stationary ideal Shioya, Masahiro, Yamaura, Naoki Mathematical Logic Quarterly 66 (1) 99 - 103 (2020)
  2. A MODEL THEORETIC REFLECTION PRINCIPLE REVISITED (Forcing extensions and large cardinals) 塩谷, 真弘 数理解析研究所講究録 1851 72 - 86 (2013)
  3. THE EASTON COLLAPSE AND A SATURATED FILTER (Interplay between large cardinals and small cardinals) 塩谷, 真弘 数理解析研究所講究録 1754 108 - 114 (2011)
  4. A NEW SATURATED FILTER (Axiomatic Set Theory and Set-theoretic Topology) 塩谷, 真弘 数理解析研究所講究録 1595 63 - 69 (2008)
  5. A proof of Shelah's Strong Covering Theorem for P-kappa lambda Masahiro Shioya 12 (1) 83 - 97 (2008)
  6. Diamonds on Pκλ Masahiro, Shioya Computational Prospects of Infinity 271–298 (2008)
  7. Stationary reflection and the club filter Masahiro Shioya 59 (4) 1045 - 1065 (2007)
  8. Stationary reflection and the club filter SHIOYA, Masahiro Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 59 (4) 1045 - 1065 (2007)
  9. SOME APPLICATIONS OF STATIONARY REFLECTION IN $\mathcal{P}_\kappa \lambda$ 塩谷, 真弘 数理解析研究所講究録 1471 54 - 73 (2006)
  10. An ultrafilter with property sigma M Shioya 134 (6) 1819 - 1821 (2006)

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