齋藤 一弥 / Saito, Kazuya
数理物質系 系長 / Provost, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences
関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE
- Characteristic phonon spectrum of negative thermal expansion materials with framework structure through calorimetric study of Sc2M 3O12 (M = W and Mo)
- Cubic phase formation and interplay between alkyl chains and hydrogen bonds in 1,2-bis(4′-n-alkoxybenzoyl)hydrazines (BABH-n)
粒子加速器と粒子検出器技術を 用いて宇宙の歴史を解明する
KEK連携による国際教育研究拠点リサーチユニット Clarification of Universe History with Particle Accelerators and Particle Detection Technology
論文 / Publication
- Phase Transition from the Interdigitated to Bilayer Membrane of a Cationic Surfactant Induced by Addition of Hydrophobic Molecules Hishida, Mafumi, Shimokawa, Naofumi, Okubo, Yuki, Taguchi, Shun, Yamamura, Yasuhisa, Saito, Kazuya Langmuir 36 14699 - 14709 (2020)
- Positive definite distortion term of the extended Landau-de Gennes model Pelka, Robert, Saito, Kazuya MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS 702 (1) 87 - 91 (2020)
- Ordering Phase Transition with Symmetry-Breaking from Disorder over Non-Equivalent Sites: Calorimetric and Crystallographic Study of Crystalline d-Sorbose Iwagaki, Sakiko, Kakuta, Hiroki, Yamamura, Yasuhisa, Saitoh, Hideki, Hishida, Mafumi, Fukada, Kazuhiro, Saito, Kazuya Crystals 10 (5) 361 (2020)
- Interleaflet coupling of n-alkane incorporated bilayers Usuda, Hatsuho, Hishida, Mafumi, Kelley, Elizabeth G, Yamamura, Yasuhisa, Nagao, Michihiro, Saito, Kazuya Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22 (10) 5418 - 5426 (2020)
- 液晶の発現機構と凝集構造 − エントロピーを足がかりにした物性科学の例として 齋藤,一弥 日本の科学者 54 (3) 142 - 147 (2019)
- Phase separation of a ternary lipid vesicle including n-alkane: Rugged vesicle and bilayer flakes formed by separation between highly rigid and flexible domains" Hishida, Mafumi, Yanagisawa, Ryuta, Yamamura, Yasuhisa, Saito, Kazuya JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 150 (6) 064904 (2019)
- Heat capacity and standard thermodynamic functions of three ketohexoses in monosaccharides including rare sugars: D-fructose, D-psicose, and D-tagatose Yamamura, Yasuhisa, Iwagaki, Sakiko, Hishida, Mafumi, Nagatomo, Shigenori, Fukada, Kazuhiro, Saito, Kazuya J. Chem. Thermodyn. 131 420 - 430 (2018)
- Common Effects of Incorporated n-Alkane Derivatives on Molecular Packing and Phase Behavior of DPPC Bilayers Usuda, Hatsuho, Hishida, Mafumi, Yamamura, Yasuhisa, Saito, Kazuya Chem. Lett. 47 (12) 1512 - 1514 (2018)
- 高分子-光応答性液晶混合系の上限臨界溶液温度の光応答挙動 川田,友紀, 山本,貴広, 木原,秀元, 山村,泰久, 齋藤,一弥, 大野,工司 日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集 2017 3C02 (2018)
- アゾベンゼン誘導体光異性化を利用しての一次元液晶相スメクチック相と三次元周期構造を持つ双連結型キュービック相の間の光可逆スイッチング 永井,彩, 近藤,秀昭, 三輪,洋平, 沓水,祥一, 山村,泰久, 齋藤,一弥 日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集 2017 2B02 (2018)
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