坪井 明人 / Tsuboi, Akito 2024年12月現在、筑波大学が主たる所属機関ではありません

筑波大学 数理物質系 教授 / Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba


論文 / Publication

  1. Non-expessibility of a class of finite graphs 坪井,明人 RIMS Kokyuroku (数理解析研究所講究録) (No.2119) 9 - 12 (2019)
  2. Infinite Monochromatic Subgraphs (Model theoretic aspects of the notion of independence and dimension : RIMS研究集会報告集) 坪井, 明人 数理解析研究所講究録 2002 34 - 38 (2016)
  3. Dividing and Forking --- A Proof of the Equivalence --- Tsuboi,Akito 京都大学 数理解析研究所 講究録 1888 1888 23 - 27 (2014)
  4. On the existence of indiscernible trees Kota Takeuchi, Akito Tsuboi 163 (12) 1891 - 1902 (2012)
  5. Locally o-minimal structures Tomohiro Kawakami, Kota Takeuchi, Hiroshi Tanaka, Akito Tsuboi 64 (3) 783 - 797 (2012)
  6. Trees and Branching Axioms (Model Theory of Fields and its Applications) 坪井, 明人 数理解析研究所講究録 1794 50 - 54 (2012)
  7. Low theories and the number of independent partitions (Model theoretic aspects of the notion of independence and dimension) 坪井, 明人 数理解析研究所講究録 1741 52 - 56 (2011)
  8. On Coheir Sequences : Indiscernible Array, Tree and Forest (New developments of independence notions in model theory) 坪井, 明人 数理解析研究所講究録 1718 81 - 91 (2010)
  9. On generic automorphisms of a tree structure (New developments of independence notions in model theory) 桔梗, 宏孝, 坪井, 明人 数理解析研究所講究録 1718 52 - 57 (2010)
  10. Algebraic types and the number of countable models (Model Theory and It's Application to Algebra) 坪井, 明人 数理解析研究所講究録 1708 29 - 34 (2010)

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