大久保 麗子 / Okubo, Reiko 2025年3月現在、筑波大学が主たる所属機関ではありません

筑波大学 医学医療系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

Cost-effectiveness of a new opportunistic screening strategy for walk-in fingertip HbA1c testing at community pharmacies in Japan


論文 / Publication

  1. ESTIMATED GFR DECLINE OF PKD PATIENTS IN CKD G3B-5 WAS AS FAST AS THAT OF DKD PATIENTS: A RESULT FROM A JAPANESE COHORT STUDY FOR PATIENTS WITH ADVANCED CKD, THE REACH-J STUDY Hoshino, Junichi, Saito, Chie, Tsunoda, Ryoya, Nagai, Kei, Kai, Hirayasu, Okubo, Reiko, Kondo, Masahide, Okada, Hirokazu, Narita, Ichiei, Wada, Takashi, Kashihara, Naoki, Robinson, Bruce, Yamagata, Kunihiro NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION 35 (3) 1153 - 1153 (2020)
  2. Budget impact analysis reveals walk-in fingertip HbA1c testing in community pharmacies could provide a significant long-term reduction in public expenditure Shono, Aiko, Kondo, Masahide, Hoshi, Shu-Ling, Okubo, Reiko, Yahagi, Naoya Research in social & administrative pharmacy : RSAP (2020)
  3. Higher medical costs for CKD patients with a rapid decline in eGFR: A cohort study from the Japanese general population Nagai, Kei, Iseki, Chiho, Iseki, Kunitoshi, Kondo, Masahide, Asahi, Koichi, Saito, Chie, Tsunoda, Ryoya, Okubo, Reiko, Yamagata, Kunihiro PloS one 14 (5) (2019)
  4. 腎泌尿器の疾病対策の社会経済(政策・予防)3)腎泌尿器関連の疾病予防(先制医療)の医療経済 大久保麗子, 山縣, 邦弘 腎臓内科・泌尿器科 8 (6) 527 - 530 (2018)
  5. Cost-effectiveness of a new opportunistic screening strategy for walk-in fingertip HbA1c testing at community pharmacies in Japan Aiko Shono, Masahide Kondo, Shuling Hoshi, Reiko Okubo, Naoya Yahagi 41 (6) 1218 - 1226 (2018)
  6. Cost-effectiveness of obstructive sleep apnea screening for patients with diabetes or chronic kidney disesse R.Okubo, M.Kondo, S.Hoshi, K.Yamagata Sleep Breath 19 1081 - 1092 (2015)
  7. Health-related quality of life and prognosis in patients with chronic kidney disease: a 3-year follow-up study Reiko Okubo, Hirayasu Kai, Masahide Kondo, Chie Saito, Keigyou Yoh, Naoki Morito, Joichi Usui, Kunihiro Yamagata 18 (5) 697 - 703 (2014)
  8. Interaction of miconazole oral gel with warfarin and cyclosporine in a patient with nephrotic syndrome R.Tajima-Okubo, S.Tsuruoka, N.Moriyama, T.Kaneda, K.yamagata CEN Case Rep. 1 (1) 55 - 57 (2012)
  9. Measurement of health-related quality of life in patients with chronic kidney disease in Japan with EuroQol(EQ-5D) R.Tajima, M.Kondo, H.Kai Clin Exp Nephrol. 14 340 - 348 (2010)

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