蜂須 拓 / Hachisu, Taku

システム情報系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems


論文 / Publication

  1. Integrated Soft Optoelectronics for Wearable Health Monitoring Biswas, Shantonu, Shao, Yitian, Hachisu, Taku, Nguyen-Dang, Tung, Visell, Yon ADVANCED MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES 5 (8) (2020)
  2. Interpersonal Vibrotactile Feedback via Waves Transmitted through the Skin: Mechanics and Perception Hachisu, Taku, Readon, Gregory, Shao, Yitian, Suzuki, Kenji, Visell, Yon Proceedings of 2020 IEEE Haptics Symposium 650 - 656 (2020)
  3. 特別支援学級における腕輪型デバイスによる呼びかけ応答支援 大木,美加, 河原,圭佑, 蜂須,拓, 鈴木,健嗣 ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 22 (2) 201 - 210 (2020)
  4. Enhancement of range of creation of foot sole tactile illusion by vibration stimulation of the foot instep Iijima, Yutaro, Uchida, Masayuki, Hachisu, Taku, Hashimoto, Yuki 2019 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) (2019)
  5. Representing Interpersonal Touch Directions by Tactile Apparent Motion Using Smart Bracelets Hachisu, Taku, Suzuki, Kenj IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON HAPTICS 12 (3) 327 - 338 (2019)
  6. EnhancedTouchX: Smart Bracelets for Augmenting Interpersonal Touch Interactions Hachisu, Taku, Bourreau, Baptiste, Suzuki, Kenji Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 312 (2019)
  7. 複数人による双方向の対面行動を計量する頭部装着型デバイス 蜂須, 拓, 潘, 雅冬, 松田, 壮一郎, バティスト, ブロー, 鈴木, 健嗣 情報・システムソサイエティ誌 24 (3) 15 - 15 (2019)
  8. VisuaLiftStudio: Using an Elevator as a Motion Platform by Modulating Perceived Direction with a Visual Illusion Hachisu, Taku, Koge, Masahiro, Kajimoto, Hiroyuki Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan 23 (3) 81 - 90 (2018)
  9. SpiroSurface: A Repulsive and Attractive Force Display for Interactive Tabletops Using a Pneumatic System Hachisu, Taku, Fukumoto, Masaaki IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (2018)
  10. Tactile Apparent Motion through Human-Human Physical Touch Hachisu, Taku, Suzuki, Kenji Proceedings of International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications 163 - 174 (2018)

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