佐野 良夫 / Sano, Yoshio

システム情報系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems


論文 / Publication

  1. Submodular optimization views on the random assignment problem Satoru FUJISHIGE, Yoshio SANO, Ping ZHAN Mathematical Programming 178 485 - 501 (2019)
  2. On the minimum clique partitioning problem on weighted chordal graphs Changseong JO, Jihoon CHOI, Suh-Ryung KIM, Yoshio SANO 791 1 - 9 (2019)
  3. On Q-integral graphs with edge-degrees at most six Jongyook PARK, Yoshio SANO 577 384 - 411 (2019)
  4. The partial order competition dimensions of bipartite graphs Jihoon CHOI, Soogang EOH, Suh-Ryung KIM, Jung Yeun LEE, Yoshio SANO Discrete Applied Mathematics 254 47 - 55 (2019)
  5. Computing Kitahara-Mizuno's bound on the number of basic feasible solutions generated with the simplex algorithm Takahito KUNO, Yoshio SANO, Takahiro TSURUDA Optimization Letters 12 (5) 933 - 943 (2018)
  6. A polynomial-time approximation scheme for monotonic optimization over the unit simplex Ryusuke CHIBA, Takahito KUNO, Yoshio SANO RIMS Kokyuroku 2069 74 - 83 (2018)
  7. The random assignment problem with submodular constraints on goods Satoru FUJISHIGE, Yoshio SANO, Ping ZHAN ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation 6 (1) Article 3 - 28 pages (2018)
  8. On the partial order competition dimensions of chordal graphs Jihoon CHOI, Suh-Ryung KIM, Jung Yeun LEE, Yoshio SANO Discrete Applied Mathematics 222 89 - 96 (2017)
  9. On the phylogeny graphs of degree-bounded digraphs Seung Chul LEE, Jihoon CHOI, Suh-Ryung KIM, Yoshio SANO Discrete Applied Mathematics 233 83 - 93 (2017)
  10. T-neighbor systems and travel groupoids on a graph Jung Rae CHO, Jeongmi PARK, Yoshio SANO Graphs and Combinatorics 33 1521 - 1529 (2017)

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