前田 修 / Maeda, Osamu

人文社会系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

Preference for fish in a Neolithic hunter-gatherer community of the upper Tigris, elucidated by amino acid δ15N analysis


論文 / Publication

  1. Hunter-fisher-gatherer river transportation: Insights from sourcing the obsidian of Hasankeyf Höyük, a Pre-Pottery Neolithic A village on the Upper Tigris (SE Turkey) Carter, T, Moir, R, Wong, T, Campeau, K, Miyake, Y, Maeda, O Quaternary International 574 27 - 42 (2021)
  2. Late Neolithic in the Shahrizor Plain, Iraqi Kurdistan: New Excavations at Shakar Tepe, 2019. Odaka, T, Maeda, Osamu, Shimogama, K, Hayakawa, Y. S, Nishiaki, Y, Mohammed, N.A, Rasheed, K Neo-Lithics 2020 53 - 57 (2020)
  3. Profiling an unlocated source: Group 3d obsidian in prehistoric and early historic Near East Campbell, Stuart, Elizabeth, Healey, Maeda, Osamu Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 33 102533 (2020)
  4. レヴァント地方における新石器化プロセスの多様性─黒曜石交易からの視点─ 前田,修 西アジア考古学 21 117 - 124 (2020)
  5. Obsidian provenance analyses at Göytepe, Azerbaijan: Implications for understanding Neolithic socioeconomies in the Southern Caucasus Nishiaki, Yoshihiro, Maeda, Osamu, Kannari, Taro, Nagai, M, Healey, Elizabeth, Guliyev, F, Campbell, Stuart Archaeometry 61 (4) 765 - 782 (2019)
  6. Lithic analysis and the transition to the Neolithic in the upper Tigris valley: recent excavations at Hasankeyf Hoyuk Maeda,Osamu Antiquity 92 (361) 56 - 73 (2018)
  7. Geographic mosaics and changing rates of cereal domestication Robin G. Allaby, Chris Stevens, Leilani Lucas, Osamu Maeda, Dorian Q. Fuller 372 (1735) (2017)
  8. Preference for fish in a Neolithic hunter-gatherer community of the upper Tigris, elucidated by amino acid δ15N analysis Y., Itahashi, Miyake, Y, Maeda, O, O., Kondo, H., Hongo, W, Van Neer, Y., Chikaraishi, N., Ohkouchi, M., Yoneda Journal of Archaeological Science 82 (1) 40 - 49 (2017)
  9. Narrowing the harvest: Increasing sickle investment and the rise of domesticated cereal agriculture in the Fertile Crescent Osamu Maeda, Leilani Lucas, Fabio Silva, Ken-Ichi Tanno, Dorian Q. Fuller 145 (226-237) 226 - 237 (2016)
  10. 西アジア新石器時代における黒曜石研究の新展開 前田,修 西アジア考古学 11 67 - 79 (2010)

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