Tuan Phung Duc / Tuan, Phung Duc
システム情報系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems
論文 / Publication
- 5G ネットワークのモデル化と性能解析 川村, 航平, Tuan, Phung-Duc, 河西, 憲一 第37回(2020年度)待ち行列シンポジウム「確率モデルとその応用」 134 - 135 (2021)
- マルコフ連鎖を用いた多モデル多入力型機械学習システムの性能評価 巻野, 侑大, Tuan, Phung-Duc, 町田 文雄 第37回(2020年度)待ち行列シンポジウム「確率モデルとその応用」 79 - 88 (2021)
- Mixture Density Networks (MDNs) as a general framework for estimation of waiting time distributions in queueing systems: Two case studies Hung, Q. Nguyen, Tuan, Phung-Duc 第37回(2020年度)待ち行列シンポジウム「確率モデルとその応用」 130 - 131 (2021)
- Customer joining behavior and performance analysis of the airport taxi-passenger queue with two types of customers Hung, Q. Nguyen, Tuan, Phung-Duc 第37回(2020年度)待ち行列シンポジウム「確率モデルとその応用」 69 - 78 (2021)
- Queueing Analysis and Price Mechanism of Car/Ride-Share System Considering Road Congestion Ayane, Nakamura, Tuan, Phung-Duc, 安東 弘泰 第37回(2020年度)待ち行列シンポジウム「確率モデルとその応用」 89 - 98 (2021)
- Diffusion Approximation for Retrial Queue with Two-Way Communication and Renewal Input Anatoly, Nazarov, Tuan, Phung-Duc, Svetlana, Paul, Olga, Lizyura Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics (2021)
- Diffusion Approximation for Multiserver Retrial Queue with Two-Way Communication Tuan, Phung Duc, Anatoly, Nazarov, Svetlana, Paul, Olga, Lizyura Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12563 567 - 578 (2021)
- Central Limit Theorem for an M/M/1/1 Retrial Queue with Unreliable Server and Two-Way Communication Anatoly, Nazarov, Tuan, Phung-Duc, Svetlana, Paul, Olga, Lizyura Communications in Computer and Information Science (2021)
- Asymptotic-diffusion analysis of multiserver retrial queueing system with priority customers Tuan, Phung Duc, Anatoly, Nazarov, Yana, Izmailova Communications in Computer and Information Science (2021)
- Diffusion limit of multi-server retrial queue with setup time Anatoly, Nazarov, Alexander, Moiseev, Tuan, Phung-Duc, Svetlana, Paul Mathematics (2020)
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