近藤 正人 / Kondo, Masato

数理物質系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences


論文 / Publication

  1. Observation of translational diffusion in a planer supported lipid bilayer membrane by total internal reflection-transient grating method Kondoh, Masato, Moritani, Hidekazu, Ishibashi, Taka-aki Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 93 (5) 671 - 675 (2020)
  2. Time-resolved infrared study of photo-induced ring-closure reaction of trans-2-hydroxychalcone Kondoh, Masato, Takizawa, Chinatsu, Okazawa, Kazuki, Akase, Dai, Aida, Misako, Ishibashi, Taka-aki Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 389 112280 (2019)
  3. Photo-Induced Ring-Opening Reaction of Flav-3-en-2-ol Monitored by Time-Resolved Infrared Spectroscopy Masato, Kondoh, Sakuta, Akira, Okazawa, Kazuki, Akase, Dai, Aida, Misako, Ishibashi, Taka-aki Journal of Physical Chemistry B 123 (40) 8499 - 8504 (2019)
  4. Conformational and Intermolecular Interaction Dynamics of Photolyase/Cryptochrome Proteins Monitored by the Time-Resolved Diffusion Technique Masato Kondoh, Masahide Terazima 93 (1) 15 - 25 (2017)
  5. Importance of Atomic Contacts in Vibrational Energy Flow in Proteins Masato Kondoh, Misao Mizuno, Yasuhisa Mizutani 7 (11) 1950 - 1954 (2016)

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