紙上 敬太 / Kamijo, Keita 2024年12月現在、筑波大学が主たる所属機関ではありません
筑波大学 筑波大学 准教授 / Associate Professor, University of Tsukuba, University of Tsukuba
関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE
論文 / Publication
- Differences in characteristics of somatosensory evoked potentials between children and adults Takezawa, M, Kamijo, K, Shibasaki, M, Nakata H NeuroReport in press (2019)
- The role of motor competences in predicting working memory maintenance and preparatory processing Ludyga, S, Mücke, M, Kamijo, K, Andrä, C, Pühse, U, Gerber, M, Herrmann C Child Development in press (2019)
- Aftereffects of cognitively demanding acute aerobic exercise on working memory Kamijo, K, Abe, R Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 51 153 - 159 (2019)
- A primer on investigating the after effects of acute bouts of physical activity on cognition Pontifex M.B, McGowan A.L, Chandler M.C, Gwizdala K.L, Parks A.C, Fenn K, Kamijo K Psychology of Sport and Exercise 40 1 - 22 (2019)
- The effects of a school-based exercise program on neurophysiological indices of working memory operations in adolescents Ludyga, S, Gerber, M, Kamijo, K, Branda, S, Pühse, U Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 21 833 - 838 (2018)
- Effects of the FITKids physical activity randomized controlled trial on conflict monitoring in youth Drollette, E.S, Pontifex, M.B, Raine, L.B, Scudder, M.R, Moore, R.D, Kao, S.C, Westfall, D.R, Wu, C.T, Kamijo, K, Castelli, D.M, Khan, N.A, Kramer, A.F, Hillman, C.H Psychophysiology 55 e13017 (2018)
- 身体運動が壮中年期の認知機能に与える影響 東浦拓郎, 紙上敬太 バイオメカニクス研究 22 79 - 83 (2018)
- Aerobic Exercise During Encoding Impairs Hippocampus-Dependent Memory Keishi Soga, Keita Kamijo, Hiroaki Masaki 39 (4) 249 - 260 (2017)
- The relationship between childhood aerobic fitness and brain functional connectivity. Keita Kamijo, Yuji Takeda, Yohei Takai, Miki Haramura 632 119 - 23 (2016)
- Fitness and ERP Indices of Cognitive Control Mode during Task Preparation in Preadolescent Children Keita Kamijo, Hiroaki Masaki 10 441 (2016)
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